Dave worked diligently this weekend on putting down the epoxy covering on the 2/3 of the garage. He did the 2-door section for now and he'll do the Camaro stall next weekend probably. It's a three-step process with different drying times, so he started on Friday and finished yesterday, but now we have to wait a couple days before we can move stuff on the floor or pull the cars in. It does look really nice when it's all finished! Now Dave just needs to set up the garage and he can be a true 'home mechanic' to all our cars! I do have to say that he was pretty anal about the whole process...I was laughing at him because he even took the little color chips out to measure so each part of the garage would have the same amount of chips! (see below picture for proof of his measuring) So, next time you come over, you definitely have to give him a hard time about whether the chips are evenly coated or not!
Monday, May 28, 2007
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
It's a.....
Just kiddin', we didn't find out! Although, I have to tell you that Dave changed the gameplan on me last minute, and really did want to find out what we were having. I think it's the whole fact that he really thought we were having a girl and then he had a dream we had a boy a couple of days ago. So, I think he's doubting his psychic powers. But, he respected my wishes not to find out and we went on with the appointment.
There were three key measurements they did on the baby. They measured the head, abdomen and femur bone. We watched the first two measurements, but we were told to look away when they did the femur bone measurement because the baby had spread open legs (as if to say "Mommy, Daddy, find out what I am"). We got to see the feet, arms, spinal cord, head, stomach and lots of movement. After they finish the ultrasound, they do calculations from the measurements to tell you when they think your due date is and they calculated out my exact due date, so that is PERFECT! Let's just hope Baby decides to come out on time!
Here are pics from the appointment. Daddy even asked for his own picture for work, so he got an extra copy for himself, how cute! The one on the left is the baby looking directly at you, you can see the face real well! The one on the right is a side profile and you can just barely make out little fingers on the top of the picture and we saw the little heart beating! There was another side-profile shot, but it's blurry, so I copied in the best ones!.jpg)
There were three key measurements they did on the baby. They measured the head, abdomen and femur bone. We watched the first two measurements, but we were told to look away when they did the femur bone measurement because the baby had spread open legs (as if to say "Mommy, Daddy, find out what I am"). We got to see the feet, arms, spinal cord, head, stomach and lots of movement. After they finish the ultrasound, they do calculations from the measurements to tell you when they think your due date is and they calculated out my exact due date, so that is PERFECT! Let's just hope Baby decides to come out on time!
Here are pics from the appointment. Daddy even asked for his own picture for work, so he got an extra copy for himself, how cute! The one on the left is the baby looking directly at you, you can see the face real well! The one on the right is a side profile and you can just barely make out little fingers on the top of the picture and we saw the little heart beating! There was another side-profile shot, but it's blurry, so I copied in the best ones!
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
5 Month Appointment
Just got home from my appointment and I think these days just put me in a good mood! I saw a new doctor this time, from now on I will see a new one each time so I can meet them all. The doctor was VERY nice! Everything checked out great he said, so I'm very happy about that. I gained 3 1/2 pounds in the past month, which is right on track. They started measuring my belly this time and the measurment should be the same as the number of weeks I am along and it was right at 20, so perfect! The baby's heartbeat was 146 this time, I guess they look for a range between 120 and 160, so we're right in the middle. That sound never does get old; it always brings a smile to my face!
Now it's the 24 hour wait for the ultrasound tomorrow afternoon! The technician will show us the baby and tell us the sex (if we want to know it....WHICH WE DON'T) but they don't really tell us much more than that. I guess they send the results to the doctor's office and then the doctor will call and give us all the details on whether things look okay and the measurments etc. Either way, I just think it's going to be amazing to see the little one squirming around inside. This past week the baby has really started to move a lot more!! I still look at the picture of our 8 week ultrasound on the fridge and see the little kidney bean and just know the changes that we'll see tomorrow will be amazing!!
Oh yes and something additional to share...my Dad's new name for me is "tubby" and Dave officially told me the other day that I'm going to be "huge" at the end. Ahh, the men in my life are so supportive! ha ha ha. No really, it's all in fun. I get a kick out of Dave because he really can't get over the "baby bump" I'm growing. I can roll with the punches now, but we'll see when I'm 8 1/2 months pregnant and someone wants to tell me how big I am...watch out for one hormonal woman!
Now it's the 24 hour wait for the ultrasound tomorrow afternoon! The technician will show us the baby and tell us the sex (if we want to know it....WHICH WE DON'T) but they don't really tell us much more than that. I guess they send the results to the doctor's office and then the doctor will call and give us all the details on whether things look okay and the measurments etc. Either way, I just think it's going to be amazing to see the little one squirming around inside. This past week the baby has really started to move a lot more!! I still look at the picture of our 8 week ultrasound on the fridge and see the little kidney bean and just know the changes that we'll see tomorrow will be amazing!!
Oh yes and something additional to share...my Dad's new name for me is "tubby" and Dave officially told me the other day that I'm going to be "huge" at the end. Ahh, the men in my life are so supportive! ha ha ha. No really, it's all in fun. I get a kick out of Dave because he really can't get over the "baby bump" I'm growing. I can roll with the punches now, but we'll see when I'm 8 1/2 months pregnant and someone wants to tell me how big I am...watch out for one hormonal woman!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
20 weeks - halfway
Just a picture for now, more updates this week after my appointment and the ultrasound!
Chair rail Up!
Dave and I worked all weekend around the house. We finished all the chair rail in the dining room and library and it looks great! It's also great to have the rooms put back in order! Next weekend Dave will be working in the garage and I hope to get my garden going, I hope it's nice out! Enjoy pics of the chair rail.
Thursday, May 17, 2007
First of all, I was motivated to write this blog because of a horrible parenting dream I had two nights ago. I had a dream that I forgot to change the Baby's diaper for a full week after we were home. I was SO MAD at myself that I forgot to do such a simple task. But, once I realized my mistake, I went about correcting the situation and Baby was very understanding. I was so disturbed by the dream that I sat awake at 3a.m. and thought about the fact that I needed to come up with a schedule of what to do with the baby. Obviously I won't ever make the mistake in my dream, but it definitely got me thinking! Are these dreams normal??
Secondly, I must show a picture of our recently purchased plush mattress. Being pregnant, I have to sleep on my side now and let me tell you, it's not a friendly position for my hips to sleep that way ALL NIGHT! Plus, I recently noticed that there were deep craters our old mattress, where Dave and I slept each night, which probably wasn't exactly the greatest support for me. So, last weekend Dave and I went out and purchased a new mattress for the bed, which was delivered Tuesday and it is HEAVENLY!! The one thing I get a kick out of is how high it sits on our bed frame. I think we're living like King and Queen now! Once I'm about 7 or 8 months pregnant, I think I'm going to need a step ladder to get up on this monster of a bed!

In other news, Dave is STILL sick! Last night I made him get a listing of doctors covered under his insurance plan so he could make an appointment ASAP! He came home last night telling me he could hear liquid in his head when he shook it - that's a lovely thought! Then, he scares the crap out of me in the middle of the night when he jumps out of bed at 2a.m. and all I could think of was something was wrong with his brain! Turns out it was a charlie-horse, but let me tell you he scared me to death! So, after more pestering this morning, he finally did go see a doctor and it's a sinus infection!! I swear the man thinks he never needs a doctor. I keep telling him that's why we pay for medical insurance....MEN!
Secondly, I must show a picture of our recently purchased plush mattress. Being pregnant, I have to sleep on my side now and let me tell you, it's not a friendly position for my hips to sleep that way ALL NIGHT! Plus, I recently noticed that there were deep craters our old mattress, where Dave and I slept each night, which probably wasn't exactly the greatest support for me. So, last weekend Dave and I went out and purchased a new mattress for the bed, which was delivered Tuesday and it is HEAVENLY!! The one thing I get a kick out of is how high it sits on our bed frame. I think we're living like King and Queen now! Once I'm about 7 or 8 months pregnant, I think I'm going to need a step ladder to get up on this monster of a bed!
In other news, Dave is STILL sick! Last night I made him get a listing of doctors covered under his insurance plan so he could make an appointment ASAP! He came home last night telling me he could hear liquid in his head when he shook it - that's a lovely thought! Then, he scares the crap out of me in the middle of the night when he jumps out of bed at 2a.m. and all I could think of was something was wrong with his brain! Turns out it was a charlie-horse, but let me tell you he scared me to death! So, after more pestering this morning, he finally did go see a doctor and it's a sinus infection!! I swear the man thinks he never needs a doctor. I keep telling him that's why we pay for medical insurance....MEN!
Monday, May 14, 2007
19 Weeks - "Pre" Mother's Day
Baby Update:
Your baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces, and he measures 6 inches, head to bottom — about the length of a small zucchini. The hair on his scalp is sprouting. If your baby is a girl, she already has 6 million eggs in her ovaries. This is a crucial time for sensory development: Your baby's brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. He may be able to hear you as you talk. Research shows that he's learning to distinguish your voice from others, and he'll soon show a preference for it. Let Dad get into the act, too — encourage him to talk to your baby.
Oh and Dave was able to feel the baby yesterday! I was sitting on the couch before I left for Wisconsin and I felt the baby...I had him come touch my belly and he felt a movement right after he put his hand there...after that the baby was done, but at least he felt one move. He kept moving my belly to make the baby move again. Baby was being stubborn and said "you felt me once, now leave me alone for now". :)
What a busy Mother's Day Weekend for us. We met an old H.S. friend of mine for lunch and spent the rest of Saturday with the Hickman Mom to celebrate Mother's Day. Sunday I went to my Grandma's in WI to celebrate with my Mom. Dave has been sick for almost a week with a pretty bad cold, so I let him stay back and sleep while I was gone. Dave called yesterday my "Pre" Mother's Day. How exciting to think that this time next year I'll truly be a Mommy to a little one. I think I should put my requests in to Dave now for breakfast in bed and the works of pampering! ha ha ha
This coming weekend is the halfway point - 20 weeks. Yipee!! Next week we have our 5 month appointment and ultrasound to go to, so very exciting. Now is when I start worrying about whether I've gained too much over the last 4 weeks! For the ultrasound, we're still pretty sure we aren't going to find out the sex, but again, it might depend on the mood that day. I also think we're going to shop for furniture after the ultrasound. I figured we'd be in a very excited mood after seeing the baby again for the first time since my 8 week appointment, and a good way to celebrate would be to look at furniture!! After all, the baby's room is all cleared out now, we definitely need to start painting and filling it up with furniture!!
Your baby weighs about 8 1/2 ounces, and he measures 6 inches, head to bottom — about the length of a small zucchini. The hair on his scalp is sprouting. If your baby is a girl, she already has 6 million eggs in her ovaries. This is a crucial time for sensory development: Your baby's brain is designating specialized areas for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch. He may be able to hear you as you talk. Research shows that he's learning to distinguish your voice from others, and he'll soon show a preference for it. Let Dad get into the act, too — encourage him to talk to your baby.
Oh and Dave was able to feel the baby yesterday! I was sitting on the couch before I left for Wisconsin and I felt the baby...I had him come touch my belly and he felt a movement right after he put his hand there...after that the baby was done, but at least he felt one move. He kept moving my belly to make the baby move again. Baby was being stubborn and said "you felt me once, now leave me alone for now". :)
What a busy Mother's Day Weekend for us. We met an old H.S. friend of mine for lunch and spent the rest of Saturday with the Hickman Mom to celebrate Mother's Day. Sunday I went to my Grandma's in WI to celebrate with my Mom. Dave has been sick for almost a week with a pretty bad cold, so I let him stay back and sleep while I was gone. Dave called yesterday my "Pre" Mother's Day. How exciting to think that this time next year I'll truly be a Mommy to a little one. I think I should put my requests in to Dave now for breakfast in bed and the works of pampering! ha ha ha
This coming weekend is the halfway point - 20 weeks. Yipee!! Next week we have our 5 month appointment and ultrasound to go to, so very exciting. Now is when I start worrying about whether I've gained too much over the last 4 weeks! For the ultrasound, we're still pretty sure we aren't going to find out the sex, but again, it might depend on the mood that day. I also think we're going to shop for furniture after the ultrasound. I figured we'd be in a very excited mood after seeing the baby again for the first time since my 8 week appointment, and a good way to celebrate would be to look at furniture!! After all, the baby's room is all cleared out now, we definitely need to start painting and filling it up with furniture!!
Sunday, May 06, 2007
Dave's Surprise 30th!
I threw Dave a surprise 30th birthday today and it turned out great! He had no clue and had a GREAT time celebrating with everyone! In his own words, "it's a day he'll never forget!" Thanks to everyone who helped me pull this off!!
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