Sunday, January 27, 2008
Our Little Jail Bird
First of all, thank you Jason and Corey for this very cute outfit for Ethan! I can't believe he's already wearing 6 month clothes!! Dave said Ethan looked like a 'jail bird' in the outfit because of the stripes. Anyway, we had a great weekend together and Ethan was especially happy and playful after his Saturday afternoon nap. He and I played in the living room while Dave hung some pictures up and he was all smiles!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Our First "Unscheduled" Doctor's Appointment
We hit a "milestone" of sorts yesterday...making our first unscheduled doctor's appointment for Ethan. He started getting a red bumpy rash on his tummy and legs and I was just SURE that he caught some nasty skin disease at the daycare...but turns out the poor kid has dry skin (eczema - or however you spell it). So, I now have to torture him with putting cold lotion on his body in the morning and at night. The kid cracks me up when I touch his skin with cold hands. He kind of blinks his eyes real fast and inhales loudly, while flailing his hands. I'm sure if he could talk, he'd ask me what in the heck I was doing to him - it's torture!! Anyway, I was happy to hear that it wasn't something he "caught" at daycare!
Other cute things he's been doing lately is playing the shy game sometimes. If I'm holding him and Dave comes up to talk to him, he grins and buries his head in my shoulder for a second or two. Well, he's either playing the shy game or he doesn't like Daddy's morning coffee breath..ha ha ha. He has also started to giggle at times. To my amusement yesterday I was unpacking our first shipment from "" (moms, this is don't have to shop for diapers, they come to your door!) and there was a sample of a lotion in a plastic wrap package. I was just looking at it and he started grinning, so I crinkled it in front of him and he just giggled at it. I thought it was so cute that I had to call Dave on speakerphone from home for him to hear it. Amazing what amuses kids - who needs to buy toys when you have plastic wrap that makes a funny noise!!
Other cute things he's been doing lately is playing the shy game sometimes. If I'm holding him and Dave comes up to talk to him, he grins and buries his head in my shoulder for a second or two. Well, he's either playing the shy game or he doesn't like Daddy's morning coffee breath..ha ha ha. He has also started to giggle at times. To my amusement yesterday I was unpacking our first shipment from "" (moms, this is don't have to shop for diapers, they come to your door!) and there was a sample of a lotion in a plastic wrap package. I was just looking at it and he started grinning, so I crinkled it in front of him and he just giggled at it. I thought it was so cute that I had to call Dave on speakerphone from home for him to hear it. Amazing what amuses kids - who needs to buy toys when you have plastic wrap that makes a funny noise!!
Monday, January 21, 2008
First Week Back to Work
As you can all tell...I made it through my first week back to work. But, it wasn't without some tears and frustration. Tears that I had to leave my little boy for SEVERAL hours and deal with only seeing him awake for maybe 3 hours at best each day (including a 3a.m. feeding - although I wasn't complaining last week, I looked forward to seeing him - even if it was 3a.m.!!!). But, we made it through and I know his grandparents loved the time with him. I can't say I was as excited about the daycare though and that's where frustration came in! Diaper rash the first was even worse the second day, an outfit that had been urinated on and my son was still wearing it when I got him home! UGH! Needless to say, mommy and daddy are on the case to find a new daycare! We are looking into the in-home option as well and might just have a good lead at this point. So, that's my venting for now...on to the more important part of this blog, a few updated pics from this weekend. (I look horrible in these pics, but Ethan is too cute to not post them).

Mommy...please stop kissing me...I know you've hardly seen me this week, but come on!I guess those kisses weren't so bad..
This is my big sea turtle that Grandma and Grandpa Hickman got me for Christmas..
Man, this monkey tail tastes GREAT!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
I'm going to miss Mommy!!
I had a serious talk with Ethan this weekend that mommy had to go back to work. If he wanted to continue to get new toys, clothes, diapers etc., that mommy had to go back to work to start earning a paycheck again. He wasn't very happy with me! But, I reassured him that daycare, Grandma Hickman and Grandpa Rochford will take good care of him! It's already been a teary day for me today...I rocked Ethan to sleep for his afternoon nap and just sat there a while longer to hold him. I know he'll be a good boy and be taken care of, but it still doesn't change the hurt in my heart.
Monday, January 07, 2008
Look Mom, I'm a big boy holding my bottle!
Dave called me yesterday to tell me I was missing the first time Ethan was holding his own bottle! I guess right when Dave brought it to his mouth, he instantly clenched onto it! Sometimes he uses his little fists and not an open hand, but what a BIG boy!! Dave made sure to take at least 15 pictures of the event at many different angles to prove he wasn't helping him..
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
October JCP pics
Gearing up to go back to work...ugh!
Yes, unfortunately I have to think seriously about the topic of putting my brain to work again for a 40 hour work week. I of course have mixed emotions about the whole ordeal because I love my time with Ethan, but I do look forward to a bit of adult interaction besides the very few hours I see Dave at home. So, starting actually this morning, I woke up with Dave as if I'd be getting ready for work and I'm now trying to work Ethan onto a schedule so it won't be a total interruption when we start the whole daycare ordeal. I've been working on a night routine for about a week now, where Ethan gets his bath and then we read a book and then try to go to sleep. Everything I've read is that babies do better with routine, etc. So, I figure I better get it in gear. Here's a few pics of Daddy doing the bedtime story...Ethan looks fascinated with the "Big Red Barn" book!!
Exciting new toys
Over the holiday break Dave and I put together Ethan's jumparoo, which I had gotten as a shower gift from my co-workers. I wasn't sure if he'd be able to use it just yet since he's not sitting up by himself, but the seat actually fits snug enough for him to sit in it without any support around him. He's still a bit short to reach the floor, but Dave being a smart engineer put a pillow under Ethan's feet...ha ha. Soon enough he'll be going crazy in his jumparoo I can imagine. He was very smiley with all the sounds, lights and music to entertain him.
Ethan also got a cute little bug toy from Grandma and Grandpa Hughes, which he likes to hear the noises and see the little thing light up. He was quite smiley with the toy as well - although it's so hard to be quick enough on camera to get all the smiles. He's actually doing a lot better at grasping things to try to put them in his mouth. Oh boy, here we come with the "everything goes in my mouth" phase!
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