Now the smiles - once I know this new contraption is safe with all the sweatshirts packed around me so I don't fall out!
Does this kid ever stop smiling? Melts your heart!
Mom, I'm just going to sit here and monitor your planting progress!
Now for some random things to answer some people's questions and just to note a few things about Ethan lately...
1. As far as meats...he's not too keen on them, unless they're mixed with some sort of fruit or veggie. So far the ones he will at least humor us in eating are: chicken noodle, apples & chicken, chicken, squash and corn combo. I tried plain chicken this weekend and got a very disgusted looking face! (Judith - almost like Bella's lemon eating face, like...my gosh Mom, what are you feeding me?!). We've also taken up the puffs again, he seems to take them down nicely if we break them into 2-3 pieces. I break them up and put them on his tray and he sometimes will play with them and at least show interest in trying to pick up himself.
2. Much to our surprise last week Ethan discovered his thumb can be substituted for the pacifier. Normally he just puts his fingers (or whole hand at times) in his mouth and chews on them, but he actually did suck his thumb for a couple of seconds. It seems he's not so interested to make it a continued habit. But, he does look awful cute when he does it! :-) Stay tuned on that one!
3. Monday was a rough day for Ethan at daycare...he just seemed very sad and uncomfortable per the daycare lady and he didn't have a very good nap, so I brought him home to get a catnap before dinner. Normally this kid is a perfect angel when he goes to bed. He basically doesn't want to be rocked, just put him down and you don't hear a peep until he's up from his nap. Well, Monday was a challenge for me as well and so I decided to rock him to sleep, because I basically never get the opportunity with an already Mr. Independent! Anyway...he fell fast asleep as I rocked him and although I still had to unload the car with my work things, I sat there for 10 minutes just rocking him with his head on my shoulder - Mommy's little boy gave her a treat! :)
4. One last Ethan story...again about sleeping. Ethan has been going to bed around 6/6:30 and will sleep through until the next morning for 12 straight hours. Dave and I have a routine that we get ready for bed and then go in and gaze at our little boy for a few seconds and then turn off his music and nightlight and go to bed. Much to our surprise last night, when we started to enter his room, Ethan's feet were straight up in the air moving all around and he was WIDE awake! Since he wasn't fussing, we just went to bed thinking he'd fall back asleep. Well, not sure if he was up for 1 1/2 hours or just woke back up because about 11:15 I woke up to a bit of fussing and a little boy that just wanted to babble. He woke up again around 12:30 doing the same thing and then finally at 1:15 I decided I should try to help him back to sleep, otherwise he would sleep all day today. Well, Ethan wanted to play with my hair and face and goo and gaa at me...with no signs of being tired at all! I finally rocked him back to sleep by 1:40 and he woke up again 45 minutes later a bit upset. We finally decided to give him 2 oz of a bottle, thinking he was maybe thirsty and Dave put him back in the crib and he fell back asleep until morning after that! Who would've known a bottle might've done the trick?? I didn't realize how good I had it with my sleep until I had a night like last night, which was like the first few months of motherhood...bring on the sleep tonight!
Last thing in the Hickman household going on is that I've finally "talked Dave into" giving up his snake. Now, I'm sure first reaction from the men out there is...just another woman trying to change her husband after they get married - not my agenda at all (and those of you that truly know me, know this!) :) Anyway...my stance on this is that when he first got the snake, he had different priorities in life and now...10 years later, priorities have changed and he has a son and a car that he really wants to spend time with, so the snake would be better off with someone who can spend more time with it. I even did the research myself and found a place in Wisconsin that comes to the IL reptile shows and will pick up from your house. So, it looks as if Merlin might be leaving us sometime. Dave has promised to contact the guy by this weekend with pics etc.
That's it for now! Hopefully soon I can post pics of our bike rides and picnics - come on sunny, warm weather!
The magical meal!!
Hi Mom...just playing with my puzzle