Saturday, June 28, 2008
Scar for Life!
Dave and I were up at the crack of dawn (4:30) and had to be at the hospital by 5:30. Grandpa came over to stay with Ethan and I was luckily home before he went to bed. They originally told me I was going to probably have to spend the night, but because I did so well, they allowed me to go home.
So, here's my permanent battle wound.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Hitting a Milestone while sleeping...
Monday, June 23, 2008
Ahhh, I'm so loved! Afternoon bottle before my 2 1/2 hour nap. Thank you Ethan for taking a long don't know this, but Mommy and Daddy also took a nap ! :-)
Annual Hickman Summer Bash
Water Baby!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Belated Father's Day
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Smart Little Boy
You can see in the video that this kid can definitely use both a pro. So, the verdict is still out on whether he'll be a righty or lefty!
Random Wednesday Photos

Happy 1st Father's Day
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Check out the Vertical!
Other updates and new milestones this weekend with Ethan include:
*He tried several times to feed himself. We took him out to dinner at Outback this weekend and gave him some of the great bread they bring out. We just set it in front of him and he actually reached out about 5-7 times and grabbed pieces and tried to put them in his mouth. We just couldn't believe it! We were so proud. Of course he didn't hit his mouth once because his hand released the bread before it got to his mouth, but he's honestly never tried this before!!
*He's also shown more interest in getting up on his knees to possibly crawl! He pulled himself up to a full crawling position a few times this weekend and then flopped right back down on his belly, but hey - it's progress!
Now, just a few pics I took of Ethan and Dave. If you look closely you'll see two little chompers on the bottom!
Monday, June 02, 2008
Grandpa and Uncle Patrick visit
*We're wondering if Ethan is ambidextrous (spelling?) because he seems comfortable with both hands (note in video below he's using his left hand for the top). I have no idea if this is determined by genetics or what??
I feel like there are more random Ethan stories to tell, but I'm updating this at work and can't remember everything. If I think of more stories, will be sure to update later.
Grandpa Rochford and Uncle Patrick came over to visit on's Grandpa playing with Ethan
Vent Session - I HATE the IRS
Oh yeah and the man assured me I would not have to pay a penalty for a late tax return - gee, thanks...considering I did mail it back in early March!!
That's all, just needed to vent...hope you all are spending your stimulus money wisely, while we wait! :)