On Christmas Eve, we put milk and cookies out for Santa with Ethan. Luckily we've been given some goodies and I also went to a cookie exchange, so there was plenty for Santa to choose from. Honestly, next year we'll have to better at the whole cookie thing....I drank the milk and proceeded to put the glass in the dishwasher! :-)
Here are some pics from Christmas morning..Ethan in his cute reindeer pj's!
His favorite toy of Christmas day was his new lawn mower!Christmas Day the Rochford grandparents came over to celebrate. Ethan got a nice wagon to use next summer!
The day after Christmas we celebrated with the Hickman side...Ethan loved his new Thomas suitcase - he worked on those zippers for at least 10 minutes (open...close..open...)
Who needs a sippy cup - I can handle a cup of water!!
And, there is one more side to celebrate with in the coming week, so more to come on that I'm sure!! Hopefully everyone had a GREAT Christmas!