Saturday I took Ethan over to visit Grandma and Grandpa Hickman while Daddy stayed home and studied.
Here's a picture of Ethan showing off his 'kick'
Watch out ladies in this video...Ethan can help but show off his budda belly! :)
Lastly, a little video of Ethan showing off his cell phone skills. My whole intention was to get him in a video showing how excited he was to see birds outside! Everytime we see birds now, he gets very excited and points and says 'birdie' and then 'sky' (sounds kind of like guy). Whenever he sees birds or hears an airplane, he says sky, because we talk about how they fly in the sky. Smart little cookie.
BIG hug for Grandma!
I don't have any pictures, but Sunday we went to a friend's house for a Super Bowl party. Ethan was Mr. Shy at first with all the new faces, but there were also two younger girls there (3 and 5) and he just wanted to follow them around and laughed with them, it was absolutely adorable to see him just want to play with the kids! At one point the two girls put together pillows and blankets to roll around on and he watched them and smiled and then copied what they were doing and was so proud of himself!! I think Ethan needs a sibling!! :-)
A few cute things that Ethan has been doing lately:
*He loves to play with the remotes and knows exactly what they do. Even though he doesn't know how to turn on the tv, he takes them in his hand in the correct position and walks right up to the tv pointing the remote at the tv - cracks me up!
*Tonight Dave came home and gave Ethan a kiss and then me a kiss. Ethan immediately leaned towards me and wanted to also give me a kiss. Just to test it out, I had Dave give me another kiss and Ethan proceeded to give me a kiss and then gave one to Daddy also - such a sweetie!!
*He's almost tall enough to open the door knobs now. He likes to shut the doors (and says "bye-bye") and then he gets up on his tippy toes and can pull down on the lever, but doesn't have enough 'umph' yet to completely open it by himself.
*Last Thursday when Grandpa watched him, he was playing in his crib playing peek-a-boo and he got real quiet and managed to put himself to sleep in the middle of playing with Grandpa! Here are a few pics of his second nap that day - he was still sleeping when i got home from work. Who can resist a butt up in the air photo opportunity!
Here's Ethan trying on Daddy's fleece sweatshirt!