Had my second doctor's visit this morning...not too much to report..
I gained only 1/2 lb (to my surprise) since the last time. I honestly feel like i eat all the time and when i was nauseous, all I did was snack on carbs! I guess since I've continued to workout that it's helped. It's so odd to see my belly so HUGE so quickly this time, I feel like I look like I've gained about 10 lbs already!
As far as the baby, it was the first time I actually got to hear the heartbeat - there's nothing like that sound!! It was a strong 164bpm!!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Friday, January 01, 2010
Baby #2 - 10 Weeks
We did this same starting point with Ethan. I've already told Dave that everyone says you do so much more with your first. So, I figured I'd try to at least start out by doing the same for Baby #2. So, here's my baby bump...eeks how your body remembers what to do! I look like I did at 4 months with Ethan. :)
Other Catch Up
Some other random photos you'll enjoy...

This kid loves books!! There are some books that he can literally read to us! Obviously he can't actually read, but he remembers the storyline. Even if you turn it to the middle of the book, he knows the wording related to the page you turn to. Smart little cookie!
We visited Dave's Grandparents a few weekends ago. This was Ethan playing with some toys and with Great-Grandpa Bill!

All bundled up and ready to play in the snow!
Ethan's favorite thing to watch on tv is his tractor/dump truck movie. I was getting dinner ready the other night and noticed him sitting on the arm of the couch to watch...it was the cutest thing! Got a big smile from him!
I don't even know where to begin with a general update on this boy..I swear he's just growing more personality every day. Some funny things lately that I can think of:
*He will come up to me in his most innocent, sweet voice and say, "should we have some M&M's mommy?" or "should we have some chocolate milk Mommy?"
*Most of the time no one besides Mr. Ethan is allowed to turn on/off light switches in rooms anymore. He has his nightly ritual for bedtime. Get's his stool, turns on the light, moves stool back, must twist cap and squeeze the toothpaste himself, must turn on bath water himself and feel the temperature. If you vary from this at all, he is NOT a happy camper. I guess it's good that he's becoming independent and doing these things himself.
*He seems to like getting into our bed lately and pretending he's sleeping. I'm hoping this will work to our advantage to move him into a big boy bed of his own before Baby #2. I talk to him about it and getting tractor/truck sheets and he says he wants that...we'll see once it becomes reality.
I'm sure there is just much more I need to share, but being that I haven't blogged in a month, I can't seem to think of anything else to tell. I promise to try to update once a week or so going forward.
Christmas 2009
I know it's been a month since I've put anything up...forgive me. As you all know now, I'm pregnant and 1st trimester is filled with nausea and sleepiness. So, here we go...
A picture of Dave's marvelous lighting on the house
We went to Grandpa Rochford's karate school to see Santa!
A few pictures to capture the gift wraping excitement...
At our house on Christmas Eve (hosting Rochford side)
At the Hickman side on Christmas Day
At the Hughes side after Christmas
Santa's gift of a mechanical excavator arm and a little stool with a car on it!
Grandpa and Grandma Linda got Ethan a pedal John Deere tractor that Daddy put together so it was ready on Christmas morning.
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