Well, this pregnancy has sure proven to be an emotional roller coaster for me. Most people know that just having kids for Dave and I hasn't been the easiest of paths, but this one is definitely coming with additional challenges. It started with the 20-week ultrasound showing a low placenta, then I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes around 28-weeks. This past week I had my follow-up ultrasound for the low placenta and it showed that it had in fact moved up (so, no planned c-section), but what it also showed was that the tube draining the right kidney of the baby is enlarged. So, I'm off to a specialist for another ultrasound this coming week. The doctor assured me that if it was something major, it would've been picked up at the 20-week ultrasound, but just knowing that there is possibly something slightly wrong with this little baby breaks my heart. The doctor told me that it could possibly be nothing at all and if they do find something, there is nothing they do at this point. What they'll do if necessary is ultrasound the kidney's after the baby is born. So, I'm hoping I'll find more out at my appt on Thursday. At this point, I'm convinced this is a little girl, taking everything out of me!! :-) On the diabetes front, I've kept my levels under control for all but 2 meals, so that's at least not a problem. I go to the doctor for my 32-week appt on Wednesday and then I start going every 2 weeks. Only 8 more weeks to go for this little one!! Can't wait to meet the little angel!
Here are some pictures of what we've been up to the last few weekends.
Dinner downtown Aurora with the Rochford side to celebrate Dave and my Dad's bday. We went to a fun Mexican place where they had musicians actually travel table by table to play music. Ethan was very interested in it all!

We traveled down to Champaign to watch my brother Adam graduate from U of I (He's off to UT-Austin this fall for grad school).
We stayed @ Dave's gradparent's house and took Ethan for a walk. He liked this field of tall grass.

Diploma in hand - Ethan was a good sport during the ceremony.
We went to MN last weekend for my cousin's wedding. Here is Ethan hanging out with Uncle Adam. His buddy for the weekend!
My 30-week picture