*french toast (w/o syrup), eggs, toast w/butter, banana, cheerios, mandarin oranges, hot dog, bits of our cooked ham. There might be more, but these are the ones I can remember. It is funny to watch him eat though because he definitely is selective about what he picks out to eat.
As far as other Carter happenings..I think he might start really crawling in maybe a week or two?? He seems to go up on all fours more often when doing his army crawl, so he'll eventually get the crawling motion instead of scooching. Then - watch out!! We just got his 9 month pics at JCP last Friday, they turned out good. We did a pose with him in the tub with some rubber duckies - very cute. I wish I could post them on here, but the new system with JCP doesn't allow you to download them to the computer anymore. :-(
Ethan updates - well, we went to our first movie at the theatre today (Ethan and I as a little Mommy bonding time for him). We saw 'Hop' and he really enjoyed it. We went with a friend of mine and her daughter and the kids were so cute and shared little goodies to eat. I guess I'm behind the times because people I told that it was going to be his first movie seemed more surprised than anything. I guess I just always saw him as a construction movie kid and only recently has he gotten into the animated disney's etc. He continues to do well and enjoy preschool which I'm so happy for. He'll finish up in another month, just in time for us to head off to FL in May. I think I'm going to be signing up for a t-ball clinic this summer and he's already signed up for swim classes. Then, we'll try soccer in the fall (I completely missed the spring deadline - ugh!). I don't know that he's that into sports, but I'd at least like to keep him trying things. If this weather will ever break, it would be nice for us to take him out and kick a soccer ball or hit balls off the 'T'.
That's all for now!