The boys and I took Grandpa Rochford to the zoo last weekend. The membership to the zoo was our Christmas gift from him, so we decided to treat him. It was a perfect day to go, because it was a bit cooler and we got there right when it opened. The boys were of course spoiled with souvenirs before we left. Ethan had t-ball camp this last week. It started off as any event like this does, where he insisted that he WOULD NOT go (even when I bribed him with ice cream if he participated and he turned down). But, we got there and he went along with the other kids without me!! At one point, he even looked over at us and grinned and waved - so cute! This past weekend we also started swim lessons. Unfortunately, the weather only allowed for an indoor safety session where they colored pictures and learned rules around the pool. But, another thing that he did without me even in sight - so proud of how confident he's becoming! Today, we took our first family bike ride with both boys in the Burley.
Ethan -
*Last night he recited (read) the entire Berenstein Bears "The Spooky Old Tree" book to us before bed.
*Enjoys driving his pedal tractor backwards. I'm amazed as his capability to turn the steering wheel the correct way to turn - takes after Daddy for sure!!
Carter -
*Took his first steps at a birthday party this weekend out of the blue! Several times he took 7-10 steps. We'll continue to perfect this!!
*Possibly teething again - this boy has lots-o-drool and seems to be chomping a lot more.
Ethan chomping on some corn on the cob