Saturday, December 23, 2006

More Work Around the House

We've gotten some more done around the house since I last posted. Figured I'd wait until we got a couple more items crossed off the 'to-do list' before I posted, so I could put them all up here at once. We painted the upper part of the dining room walls last weekend and put up 2 pictures we bought for the room. We're going to paint the bottom half a yellow-brown color and continue the chair rail through the center of the room that's in the foyer. We also finally got our two bamboo roman shades from JCPenney that we ordered back in October, that Dave put up this weekend. We're pretty excited with how they look in our nautical room!! Now we still just need to get the wallpaper for the bottom half of the walls, so it doesn't look so silly with half green. This weekend I also decided to tackle the painting of the guest bathroom.

Some other things we got done this week, were buying doors for our fireplace, since it only came with the mesh curtains, and we also got a log holder to sit outside when we eventually order wood to be delivered!! We still are on the look-out for a poker set and an inside log holder. I love having a fireplace, but I tell ya, there's a lot of accessories you need just to run the darn thing! Hopefully we can have a few fires before spring!

Other than that, not much else is new with us...just trying to relax and enjoy the new place over the holidays! Happy Holidays to everyone!!