Monday, January 22, 2007

Birthday Weekend!

This weekend was pretty busy for Dave and I. Friday I had a Tastefully Simple Party, which is always fun because you basically visit with friends and EAT!! Saturday, Dave and I went bowling and to dinner with his co-workers from his old job at Amsco, which is always fun catching up witht he old crew! One of the girlfriends took pictures, so hopefully I'll have some pics to put on the blog shortly. Finally, different pictures besides the house!! Sunday, for my birthday, we had my Dad and family over to watch the Bears game...boy, was that exciting! (Dave even put on his Chicago Bears t-shirt for good luck) I can't believe the Bears actually have a chance to win the Super Bowl! Anyway, not much else to share at this point...hope everyone's doing well!


Anonymous said...

We don't want to see pictures bowling, we want to see dave in his 1985 Bears T-shirt that he has had since he was 8! Big guy in a lil t-shirt!

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good birthday weekend!