Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Baby Hickman on the way!

Yes, that's right, Dave and I have a 'Baby Hickman' on the way! Dave and I wanted to try to call each and every friend to tell them in person, but honestly between me falling asleep by 8:30 most nights and being fairly busy at work for both of us, it's just not a task we can complete and I'm just too anxious to get the word out there to let this go any longer! I am 11 1/2 weeks pregnant now (Due Oct 7, 2007)! We had our first appointment at the end of February where we got an ultrasound and were able to see and faintly hear the little heartbeat! The baby also moved during the ultrasound, so Dave's sure the baby was waving 'hi' to us. We now have the ultrasound picture on the fridge where we can see our future son/daughter every day!! We have another appointment next week, where we'll get to hear the heartbeat on this doppler machine where it's a lot louder, so that will be awesome! We started taking side profile pictures of me to show progress (I will post those on the blog at some point) Looks like I'll finally have something to update the blog about on a regular basis, you don't know how hard this was for me to keep this for this long!!

We just got back from Arizona late last night, so I'll probably update the blog tonight or tomorrow with pictures and details. Dave is out of town in training until tomorrow night, so I'll have plenty of time to give all the details!

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