Wednesday, April 25, 2007

4 Month Appointment

Not too much to report from the appointment. I happily weighed in only 2 lbs. more than my last appointment. Everything else on my end checked out okay. The baby's heartbeat took a bit longer to find this time, which did make me anxious, but as soon as the nurse found it, I was a smiling woman - 145bpm this time. I asked why it was a bit lower than before, and I guess there is just a range they look for and depending on if the baby is sleeping or active, can make the beats go up/down. Either way, what an awesome sound to hear!

The doctor asked me if I felt the baby move yet and when I told him I thought I felt something yesterday, he said it's usually closer to 18 weeks on the first pregnancy. But, I say fooey because I think it definitely was Baby saying hi to me! (that's my story and I'm sticking to it) After all, if Baby is a girl, she's already practicing her volleyball moves and if Baby is a boy, he's practicing his reaction time with driving his car down the dragstrip. Of course, Dave is bound and determined our daughter can drive a hotrod too... Anyway, it's only a matter of time when there is no doubt about what I'll be feeling!


Anonymous said...

Rock on with the hotrodding girl idea.

Judith and Lance said...

You look so cute and I'm proud of your non weight gain, much better than I did! :) And, I say that if you felt her/him move then she moved, the Dr doesn't know everything!