So, I got home yesterday from work and decided to do another load of the Baby's laundry...get all those onsies washed. I think it was around 8p.m. when Dave stopped me, gave me a hug and said, "Honey, you're nesting real bad!" I hadn't stopped doing things for the Baby since I got home almost...laundry, unpacking more items from the shower, organizing the room etc. I guess it fully sunk in this morning when I decided to stay home after being on my 3rd day of a stupid cold and around 7:30 a.m. I went into the junk drawer to get a pen and decided the drawer just needed to be organized. Um...okay, I think I may be nesting!!?? Anyway, I guess it's just part of being pregnant. And no, I am not open for business to come to anyone else's house to organize and clean. :)
Went to the doctor today and no update from last week really. The baby's heartbeat was 142, I stayed the same weight exactly to the ounce and no progress from last week. Although, what I wasn't told last week was that besides being 1cm dilated, I'm 75% efaced and the baby is in a -2 position (which is apparently very low - lower than some babies are when women go into labor). So, hopefully this all goes in my favor once the "BIG" day does arrive.
I hope to put final Baby room pics up on the blog after this weekend. So, stay tuned...