Although we keep taking pics every two weeks, I sure feel like I really can't possibly get any bigger! But, by the measuring tape at the doctor's office, I am still slowly growing to accomodate the little one growing inside of me. So, here I 38 weeks. Really just a few more weeks to go and then hopefully these pictures of the growing belly will start to be the shrinking belly...all in good time. 
This week's doctor's appointment showed progress. I still hadn't gained any weight but I am now 90% efaced, almost 2cm dilated and the baby has moved from -2 to position 0. Dave went with me this time, which was he got to hear the baby's heartbeat again, it was 142. It's funny because I feel like since I'm making progress I'm sure to go into labor soon, but you just can't tell about these things. Whether the doctor really has no clue or they don't want to excite or depress you, they just don't give you a clue on whether your progress is normal/ahead of schedule etc. I did ask about the latest induction timeframe and they usually do let you go at least 1 1/2 weeks past your due date. So, I guess we can guarantee that in about 3 1/2 weeks we'll for sure be parents!!
On a "daddy" note...Dave insisted on putting the packed bags in my car this weekend. I've had them packed since last weekend, but that's not good enough (in case I go into labor at work or something). He's also been searching out cigars for the last two weeks. He tells me that it's a tradition that he refuses to miss out on! So, whether they end up being bubble gum, chocolate or real out boys because you're getting one!!
1 comment:
For my sake, how about gum or chocolate?
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