I can't believe that our little boy will already be 1 month old on Sunday! It's amazing to see how he's grown and is becoming more alert to his surroundings! I don't want to wish his early days away, but I honestly can't wait until he's interacting with us even more, sitting up, etc. This past week Ethan was visited by Grandpa Rochford and Uncle Patrick a few times. One time Grandpa got to play with him for quite a long time on his playmat and the other day, he slept the whole time!! We're still not on a schedule by any means, but we do have a cycle of eat, play, sleep. Amazingly last night he slept from 10:30-4:30 a.m. straight thru (although it took us almost 2 hours to get him to go to bed he was so fussy)!! I woke up at both 2:30 and 3:30 when he was stirring, but he never officially woke up. We bought this swaddle blanket with velcro that is basically a "baby straight-jacket" that I think helps him sleep longer. I felt bad putting him in it at first, but they say babies like to be swaddled. I just feel like it's abusive. He does look pretty cute in the thing though!

This weekend Uncle Breck is coming to stay with us, so that should be fun. Ethan will also meet some more of our friends; people are slowly trickling in to see the little cutie.
Ethan has rolled over three times from his tummy to his back during tummy time...here he is in action

Today, I fed Ethan and tried to put him down for tummy time and he decided he'd rather nap! I was all paranoid because they always preach how babies aren't supposed to sleep on their tummies. I let him sleep for 30 minutes like this (while I checked him every 2 minutes almost) and then decided to take him out and let him sleep on me for his nap!
Already rolling over? That is amazing, he is going to be an acrobat or something! Can't wait to meet him this week!
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