Ethan has now successfully tried all the flavors that a baby starting "1st foods" could imagine! We've had pears, apples, bananas, prunes, sweet potatoes, squash, carrots and sweet peas. Let me tell you, he loves his food! He is now getting fruit and cereal in the morning, veggies at lunch and cereal and either a fruit or veggie at night. The kid can't get enough of it! As soon as he takes a bite, he's already opening his mouth like a little birdy for more! I can't wait for the weigh-in at his 6 month appointment in another month - ha ha! And since the last post I left you with discussed our constipation issue, I'm happy to say we're through that phase and Ethan is blessing us with his poopy diapers again - let me tell you, the introduction of foods definitely isn't as exciting and good smelling when it comes out the other end!! Makes me not as excited to introduce meats...okay, okay - enough poop talk I know!
There isn't too much more to report on Ethan, he's doing great at daycare and we're really happy with the new lady! He still isn't rolling over like crazy, although he really looks like he could flip onto his tummy from his back any day now. He gets basically on his side when he really wants to, so he just needs a little more push to flip over. He can sit by himself for a short period, which is very cute! I honestly can't believe he's going to be 5 months on Tuesday!!
So, here are some pics from the last two weeks. The ones if him eating is his first day with prunes ! (I gave Daddy the honors in case he wasn't thrilled, he wouldn't correlate Mommy with bad food - he he)

Mommy with her little boy!

Daddy, I had so much fun with you last night that I'm absolutely exhausted this morning! Mommy thanks you too, because she went to "Girl's Night" and was able to enjoy some adult time!! This is how I found Ethan this morning - he managed to get almost sideways of how Dave put him down last night to sleep. That's how we find him a lot these days, usually up in the corner of the bumper pad! Such a little angel sleeping!!