This weekend Dave and I took Ethan down to Champaign to visit the Great Grandparents (they aren't just 'great' grandparents by name, they are truly GREAT!). We headed out early Saturday morning right when Ethan takes his morning nap. It worked out perfectly, he woke up about 10 minutes before we got there! We pretty much just played, watched a few movies and visited. We felt bad Sunday morning because we basically got up, ate breakfast and then left again, so Ethan could travel while he was sleeping. As always when we visit, we had good meals, desserts and company. I always say that I probably put on an extra pound or two just from eating when we go there.
Here are some great grandparent pics from the weekend..Great Grandpa was very playful with Ethan. Note in the second picture Ethan looks reluctant to share his bug...ha ha

Smiling with Great Grandma Lucille

We also wanted to visit Uncle Adam since he's at school at U of I, but he was out of town with some friends. We hope he comes home soon to visit us! I guess we'll have to go visit again next fall when he's down at school again!
He looks so much older than the Easter pictures! It is amazing to look at pictures from birth to now...make sure you keep taking those pictures.
Uncle Adam had a great time at Purdue, but still wishes he could have seen the world's best nephew. :'( He wishes for his most esteemed elder sister/highly awesome brother-in-law to send him information on when good times to visit would be. When he comes, he will cease speaking in the third person. He wishes you all the best and says to stay classy!
he is just so cute - is get getting so big - I love his smile and his cheeks!!!
Thanks for writing this.
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