Ethan's been experimenting with his tongue lately, he likes to stick it out and he'll watch us if we do the same and he kind of tries to mock what we're doing. We have his actual 6 month appointment on Wednesday this week so we'll give an update on his height, weight etc. I'm just hoping he'll be ready for a bigger carseat soon, as it's getting very difficult for me to lug him around in his current car seat.
Note the tongue sticking out...this definitely helps keep balance while sitting up. :)
We also went shopping for a few new toys today at Wal-Mart, as Daddy was just sure that a little boy needed some new things. It was like Dave was a kid in a candy shop once we got to Wal-Mart. I manned Ethan in the stroller and Dave went to work trying out all the noises and spinny things for 6m+ toys. In the end we got a little farm yard activity set that makes noises and a penguin blow up thing that makes noises when it wobbles around. Pictures to come in future posts of the newest additions of toys. As you can see from last week's post I think we need to invest in a toy box next time instead of more toys!!
Hey! Great blogs - your new walkway looks great, and Ethan is getting so big! He definitely looks like a combination of your and Dave's physical looks - very cute.
Oh, and we had the boys out of their infant carseat at 4 months I think! I'm betting Ethan is ready to move up and out! I can't remember the rules - but probably a weight thing that you'll know this week :) Look forward to seeing you!
What a smilie little boy! Gotta get the two together sometime! It won't be long before they are running and playing outside.
You know, I'm sure that one guy, what's his name...Adam or something, would LOVE free stuff too. That'd make it easier for you not to get too much stuff around your house...just saying. ^_^ Glad to see Dave's doing what I would do in the toy section!
PS, still awaiting my personalized blog entry. ^_^
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