This weekend was busy for us and Ethan was such a trooper with tagging along (and getting in and out of the car all weekend)! Friday evening we went to Yorkville to watch my Dad do a demonstration in the park for his kickboxing class and then we went to dinner with him and some of the people in his class. Ethan was up past 8pm, which is definitely past his bedtime! But, he was all smiles for everyone as usual! Saturday we had swim class and then went to a bbq up north, which was over an hour drive. We first stopped at my Mom's place to say a quick "hello". So, the story on the pacifier on Saturday....Dave and I knew we'd be out past Ethan's bedtime again and so we stopped at Wal-Mart to pick up a few extra pacifiers to keep in Ethan's diaper bag for the night as well as future use. Well, they didn't carry the normal brand he's used to, so I picked up another brand that looked similar. Well, when it got to be around Ethan's bedtime Saturday I tried the pacifier and it was almost a game with him - he kept spitting it out. Eventually, he just didn't even let me put it in. He fell fast asleep on me while I was just rocking him at the party and didn't need the pacifier, but I think that experience "left a bad taste in his mouth" for using a pacifier maybe??!! Like I said, if he's done with the pacifier this early and on his own terms - the more power to him! Although, it's only been one day, so we'll see how it goes. Sunday we took him to get his 9 month pics at JCPenney and they are adorable (will post once I can get them online in about a week or so). He woke up from a nap right before the pics and was in the BEST mood.
I always try to think of random "Ethanisms" or things that he's doing, so here goes:
*We are trying to teach him "what does a cow say" and we say Moo and he makes a noise to mock us - it's more like "uhhhhhhh" - but it's still fun to hear him mock us.
*Adult food we've tried with him to date: peaches, pears, mandarin oranges, cheerios, noodles, turkey deli meat, green beans, carrots, watermelon, strawberries. He seems to like most everything. Of course, who wouldn't if past experience was only pureed food, right?
*He now grabs at his spoon and puts it in his mouth if you hold it just in front of his mouth. He doesn't really know to take it back out of his mouth once it's in there, so it's funny - but he's trying!
He goes for his 9 month appt on Wednesday, so i'm excited to see his stats. Thankfully no shots this time!
As far as Dave and I go....I took off my thyroid bandage last night and the scar is barely visible!! I'm so excited. I go to the doctor today to see if I can go back to normal (i.e. workout again - I've never gone 2 weeks without working out. Although, I cheated a bit when I did the elliptical real slow a few days). I also have a job interview with another company on Wednesday. I've been casually looking for a new job because BP will be moving downtown in about 2 years and I'm not willing to do the commute and lose time with Ethan (and Dave)! :) Dave is busy as usual at work and being a GREAT Daddy, so
Excellent Work Agent 10, keep up the reports and you'll surely make Agent 9 by the end of the year!
OH my goodness, he is getting SO big and as cute as usual. What a clever boy to already know what a cow says! And, to also wean himself from a pacifier? I'm anxious to hear the outcome, Bella is still sucking on her's like nobody's business, it would be WONDERFUL if she would just stop. Glad to hear about all of the updates since I feel so far away now :(. Good luck w/ the interview too!
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