A few cute shots of Ethan with his new winter gear on...I think he looks absolutely adorable in his little hat! I got some big grin shots with him wearing it this weekend.
Something cute that Ethan just started doing today (and I have no idea where he learned it), was drinking from his cup and then saying "ahhh" - as if his the drink he just took was oh so refreshing! Now it's a game!! Sometimes he forgets to swallow before he says it and it comes dribbling down his chin! But, it's the cutest little trick, so I don't worry too much.
those are very cute videos - is so neat to see them get so excited!!
Oh my he is getting so big. I haven't look on here for a while and when I do it's like he's grown an inch. Thanks for keeping us up to date! I miss our lunches together... do you think you and Dani could swing my Mnpls next week on your lunch break??
He's a born driver, clearly. Dave, get that boy into NASCAR school pronto!
The videos are great Evan love his push toy, its the same one Ethan has, its fun to get to hear what he does as well, since they're so close in age by hours, its fun to know that they all do the same squeals of excitement and laughter. Its precious!!!!
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