In the last week I've really grown to appreciate parents who have multiples and kids that are closer than Ethan and Carter!! I just sometimes feel like the only thing I do is rock Carter to sleep and I'm so glad that Ethan is so self-sufficient that he'll play so nicely on his own. Sometimes when I know it's time for Carter to take a nap, I'll put a movie on for him, as entertainment, but he's also good at just playing downstairs while I'm up rocking Carter. Or, sometimes he'll even come up and visit me in the room. I told Dave it's amazing how good he is at being quiet for me in Carter's room. He will slowly open the door and come in with his finger over his mouth (in the shush motion) because he knows he has to be quiet. Then, he usually whispers so quietly I can sometimes barely hear what he's actually saying. He usually asks if he can turn Carter's nightlight on for him (even if it's broad daylight), what a caring brother!! Anyway, we've had a few rough days this past week with Carter not wanting to sleep any other way than to be rocked constantly. I remember dreading the 'cry it out' phase with Ethan and I can't say that I want the little man to suffer, but my sanity is sometimes being tested with the little sleep I'm getting and having to sit what seems like ALL DAY in a rocking chair or pacing the floor of Carter's room. As I write this, today has already proven to be a better day than yesterday, so I have some hope...I guess there are always those days...But, on to what you really want to I don't have much commentary, as most days/weeks go by in a blur for me. We have a few plans in the coming month to get out and do fun things, so I should have more stories and pictures that are a bit more exciting..
We found tickets to a local circus that came to town...Carter slept through half of it (as loud as it was) and Ethan loved it!

A pony ride before the circus...there was a storm rolling in, so we only got three times around..but Ethan enjoyed

Trying out some tummy time..he tolerates this amazingly well from what I remember, Ethan hated it!

I had some high school friends over last week with all our new additions this year, plus one in the oven! Carter is second youngest (from left to right is Carter, Ethan, Caleb, Camryn, Miles and Layla)

A half-roll..I think he was showing off for Grandma Hickman who came to visit

A visit to Grandpa Rochford's house lead to a trip to the playground and excavating some sand!

As previously stated, a nap is always better when joined by Mommy or Daddy! Although, maybe Dave was looking for an excuse to catch some Z's also??

I was trying to catch a little smile, which has become more frequent these days - ah, finally some pay off from this little boy giving me a hard time..ha ha. Didn't quite catch a smile, but he's a cute little chunky monkey I think!

chillin' with Daddy on the patio.