I thought the title of this post was appropriate as Ethan has recently become interested in driving techniques.
*He now tells us what color the light is while we're driving. We had to explain the turning arrow to him the other day because he was upset with Dave for 'going thru a red light' (although we had the green arrow)
*He wanted me to dance in the car the other day, so I put my hands up and shook my body and he told me I have to put my hands on the steering wheel otherwise, I would crash into a tree (Believe this was from the 'Sheep in a Jeep' book that Grandma Hickman brought us, when the sheep forgot to steer)...I thought this was quite a good observation.
*When we drive into a driveway he asks if we're driving over the sidewalk.
Needless to say, this kid is basically ready for her learner's permit!! :-)
Some other random things..
*When Carter cries, Ethan asks us if we're going to 'save' him.
*I asked Ethan to get me something the other day and he responds.."Did I do you a favor?"
*We were driving down the road the other day and Ethan spotted an excavator on the side of the road and he then says, "Carter, did you see the excavator?" Awe, trying to show his little brother the big tractors! (tear)
*He asked Carter yesterday if he loved him. He's been asking me this also and then telling me I'm his BEEEST friend after...I love the sweet side!
As far as Carter goes, he's a pretty sweet little baby honestly...only really cries during diaper changes, his bath and when he's hungry, can't really blame the little fellow. We went today for a follow up with the pediatrician after his surgery and they went ahead and did his 1 month appt since it was scheduled for next Monday. He's basically where Ethan was, 10% for head circumference and 25-50% in weight/height. He weighs in a big 8 lbs, 9 oz and is 21 inches long now (almost 2 inches longer than his appt out of the hospital @ 9 days!!). We do a lot of tummy time and he actually tolerates it pretty well. Today at the doctor he was even pushing up on his arms - a half push-up!! :) I'm looking forward to the coming weeks when he has control over his smile reflex. We see his smiles now, randomly, but I am anxious for him to control and really give us a meaningful smile. The best smiles are when he's sleeping and you get those big gummy grins!
Here are some pictures of the past week or two...

See, messages on your envelopes can help after all! PS, Mom's reading this too.
He sounds like he's a great big brother! I loved reading the cute things he says. I try to write down the things Pufferfish and Little Bear say, too, but a lot of times I forget before I have the chance to blog them. :(
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