I realize I never put up Halloween photos of the boys, so here are my little pumpkins! Other updates to speak of...potty training is pretty much no longer in the 'training stage' I'd say. Ethan only went poop in his underwear once the very first week and since then he's gone in his potty (usually people say that's the hardest part and I think he's got it. He sometimes resists sitting on there to poop, but we are persistent in telling him we need to sit there and try). Other than that, he's not really had any major accidents to speak of and usually even tells us now when he needs to go. We're still doing pull-ups at nap/night, but that's the least of my worries right now. Ethan lately has really been testing his boundaries with defiance to see how far he can go with you. For instance, I told him he needed to stay in the kitchen with his juice box at Grandma Hickman's....he watched me the entire time and slowly walked towards the kitchen and then proceeded to put one foot on the carpet...ugh, this kid. Lots of people tell me that 'terrible 2's are nothing, compared to the 3's...so, maybe just the point in his life? He's still a lovable boy when he wants to be, with randomly telling me, 'Mommy, I love you!' - melts my heart!!
Carter is growing like a weed! Just in the past week he's starting really grasping toys well and screeching and babbling a LOT!! He rolls over from his tummy to back on occasion and when on his back and sitting in his activity chairs he really gets his arms and legs moving, so he can have momentum to get himself partially on his side sometimes from his back to tummy position. He also giggles now.
Here are some pics of the last few weeks in no particular order from Halloween thru Thanksgiving.

Row! Row! Fight the Powah! (Powah = Power, but said with "attitude")
see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxX3JkGHmDI for excellent reference.
Jamie -- it's unbelievable how big the boys are getting, I just caught up on your life and glad you are all doing well. We are trying to survive life in CT now!
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