Ethan turned 2 months old today and I can't believe how much he's grown! We have his doctor's appointment tomorrow to officially get his weight gain and growth. Silly mommy has been taking the tape measure out to try to get his height, but he's a Mr. Figit sometimes, so I can't usually get an accurate measurement. The poor little guy has to get 4 shots tomorrow, which I'm not looking forward to (and I'm sure he wouldn't be either if he knew what was coming). But, I have to look at it as something that will be beneficial for him.
Ethan has had his first babysitting experiences in the last week. Grandma Hickman helped me with him last week while the workers were coming in and out of our house to fix all of our 1-year warranty work in the house. Grandma Hughes came yesterday to watch him while mommy had a doctor's appointment and then we went Christmas shopping in the mall for a little bit. Then, Grandpa Rochford came over today to watch him while mommy went to her Christmas lunch with her work team. Overall, he had rave reviews at being a good boy.
This past weekend Ethan was able to meet some of our neighbors when one of them hosted a Christmas get together with the block. He also was able to meet some of our friends from college and had his first dining experience in a restaurant - where he was also a good boy! Next week I plan to venture to my work and possibly Dave's work to show him off a bit. It's always a juggling game as to when he'll be napping and eating, but we'll figure something out. Everyone is ready to meet him.
1 comment:
1. Mom = grandma Hughes....weird
2. I hope to see my nephew again soon to confirm these findings of yours.
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