Anyway, we had a nice time visiting with the whole family, as Dave's grandparents also came up from Urbana on Sunday and stayed overnight with us. Luckily for Rowan we've started a nice toy collection for her to play with.
In some of these shots, she almost looks like she wants to show Ethan how exciting the toys really are. Can't wait until next year when the two of them can interact a lot more.

A few shots of Ethan with Mommy and Daddy. He wasn't so keen on taking a nap, and since Dave and I kept taking turns with him upstairs to no avail, we opted for the pacifier and a nap with mommy on the rocking chair in front of the fire.
Finally, a good shot that Grandpa got of Ethan just hanging out in his chair

I love the pic of him smiling, he looks like a little baby model.
Let him sleep on you as much as he wants to, it goes by too quickly and he won't want to soon enough and you'll be wishing that he would!! Good for you!
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