Yes, that's right...Ethan has decided to join his mobile friends. I don't know what came over him, but Thursday evening is when he showed Mommy and Daddy that he is going to army crawl!! We (and everyone that watches him) always give him time on his tummy and show him how to get on all 4's to crawl and when I did that Thursday when I got home from work - he actually did it by himself!! He uses a combination of getting up on all 4's and then sways back and forth and lunges forward and then he army crawls. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before he gets the full gist of crawling. Stay tuned for that one!
Sorry, no picture this weekend. Dave and I actually had our first complete 24+ hours away from Ethan this weekend. We went to Lake Carroll with some friends to their lakehouse and had a very nice time. Ethan stayed with the Rochford side while we were away and had a great time. While Dave and I enjoyed our friends, we were definitely ready to jump in the car to go home to see our little boy. I think Grandpa Rochford was a bit sad to see Ethan go when we showed up, but there are plenty more opportunities for Ethan to stay with all of his grandparents! :-)
Other random things:
Food we've tried recently- chicken nuggets, fish sticks (not too keen on yet), blueberry muffins (mmmm), mango, crenshaw melon (for those of you fruit lovers - we've never had this melon before, but I'd highly recommend - very good!!), cantaloupe (this is okay, think our melon was a bit strong tasting since it was on the riper side). Can't think of anything else I haven't mentioned in the past.
He is pretty much a pro at "So Big" and pointing to our noses - we're working on the mouth now.
He's also started to drool a bit more again...we're wondering if he's working on more teeth? His cycle has seemed to be about 3-5 weeks after the drool fest starts he has teeth to show for it, so we'll see how that goes.
That's all for now, will work to get pictures by next weekend.