Lately I've really noticed Ethan has become more cuddly. You'll be carrying him and he'll just lay his head on your shoulder - it's the sweetest thing ever!! He is also very cuddly with "Blue" his bunny. Here are just a few cute pics I got of him this morning while playing and cuddling with Blue.
Come here you rascally rabbit!
I knew I'd catch you!

As much as I like to chew on your foot, I'd rather cuddle

And this is just plain adorable!!

RANDOM UPDATES: The first piece of business on this update is that Ethan officially has 3 teeth! His third broke thru his gums on Friday (top left)...and the right side should be down within the next week definitely!!! I forgot to mention this before, but about two weeks ago Lauren called me at work to ask if Ethan had ever scooched across the floor on his back for me. I laughed because he had NEVER done that...apparently it's his new favorite way to get around - scooching on his back. Who needs to crawl when you can scooch?! Ethan's been waving a lot now and I think he gets the gist. We had Lauren, her sister and their families over this weekend for a dinner bbq and when we walked out to say bye, he waved his arm for a while. His new favorite word is "Da Da" - Dave adores it when he says it. In the last week or so we've been trying to teach Ethan "so big" and he seems to be catching on a bit. Both my Dad and my Mom actually started this while they watched him on separate occasions and so Dave and I have carried on. Today he actually put his arms up once when I asked "how big are you"?! The last thing that amazed me this weekend was that I had Ethan sitting on my lap and put his little walker toy in front of him so he could push it back and forth while on my lap. Before I knew it, he grabbed it right away and pulled himself up to a standing position!! This definitely caught me by surprise, since he's never really pulled himself up on anything before!
Can't think of many more updates other than the are some pics from this afternoon while Ethan played with Da Da
Daddy, can you please move out of my way...I'm trying to push this race car around! I guess I'll just have to drive over your belly since that's where the race car needs to go right now!

Always a smile on his face!
I can't get over how long he looks, and how blonde he is! Jamie - he definitely has your beautiful smile...
such a happy baby!!! He looks like such the "little man" Very cute!!!
Look at all that hair! He's like a completely different baby! Keep it up buddy!
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