I got 2 free passes to the Brookfield Zoo, so one of my high school girlfriends and I took the kids yesterday. I knew Ethan wouldn't fully appreciate the whole experience, but it was free to get it and it was nice to get out and do something new. As always, he was just an extremely good boy, with only a little fussing at the end when it was time for a nap!
Oh yes, and about the naps...I'm wondering if we'll be on one nap a day sometime soon? Tuesday, Ethan decided he didn't want a morning nap! I won't push it, we'll see how he transitions, but lately his morning nap is only like 45 minutes anyway. Such a growing little boy!
Here's Ethan and Layla getting ready to enter the zoo!

Ethan wore his monkey outfit, how fitting to take a pic in the monkey house

Kelsey and Layla

Ethan enjoyed the dolphins, sea lion and seals swimming under the water the most. I got him up close to the glass and he'd point his finger out to the animals. I'm sure next year will be even more enjoyable for him! On our way out, we got to see a polar bear playing with a bucket!

We're off to Pittsburgh today to visit Dave's sister and family...I'll hopefully get some pics updated from our visit!!
1 comment:
Let's just feel glad the children weren't eaten by those savage beasts!
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