Well, not sure if I'll be able to get pictures updated this weekend, because our library/office has been completely redone and Dave is still in the process of setting the computers back up. So, figured I'd give a short update until I can get pictures posted.
Where to start....I guess with the library/office area. Dave and I decided to get a desk/shelving system installed this week so we could have a more formal work area (and study area for Dave to start studying for his engineering exam). They worked on it for 3 days this past week and are almost finished. They should've finished Friday, but due to some incorrect measurements, they had to redo a few items. Now, Dave is busy making his own modifications to make all the wires as hidden as possible and putting in lighting under the cabinets to shine down on the desk area - he is definitely my handy husband! Pics to come...it really turned out great and the wood color compliments the decor nicely!
Ethan updates...
*This silly little boy giggles when he toots...oh my, he already is amused by his gas!
*He eats most meals with a fork and loves it! (he uses a spoon also, but not as frequently) I have a video, which I can load once our computers are up and running. He really is doing well with it. We just keep giving him practice! Although, he still has to learn, not everything can be "forked"....he tried to get a ritz cracker on his fork the other day!
*He is now completely comfortable with crawling up the stairs all the way up!!! Before it was just a couple and then the trick got old!
*More and more he's pulling himself up on things and then testing his balance by letting go. He can hold himself up for at least 30 seconds most of the time. He was even bobbing up and down dancing today!
*Speaking of dancing...when I ask him if he wants me to put music on, he starts bobbing. One of the cds has "Old MacDonald" on it and he also says "e-i-o" when I talk about his music.
*In the last day he's been making a noise/trying to say a word that I'm NOT joking...sounds like "Jamie" (it sounds more like "Ji-me")...okay, my son better not refer to me as Jamie! :)
That's all I can think of for now...again, hope to get some videos/pics up sometime this week, once our computers are back online.