Ethan got a nice new Mega Blocks Dump truck from a friend of mine from work and her family. It's been his favorite toy since he saw it! Anything and everything (including Dave's shoes tonight) goes into the back of the dump truck. Ethan also realized that he can use his dump truck as a walker today, so Mommy and Daddy alternated making sure the dump truck didn't scoot too fast in front of him (to avoid a face plant!). But, we went many times back and forth from room to room!
We've been catching Ethan pulling himself up onto things and at times, letting go to hold his balance. Sometimes he'll look at you and smile as if to say, "see what I can do"...
Other random things:
Ethan is becoming a more picky eater every day!! Hoping it's a phase. He avoids meats at all costs now and most veggies (he won't even let us hand feed him like he did before). But, today at lunch, he decided he wanted what I was eating, because of course it tastes better than the green beans, turkey deli meat and noodles with butter on his tray! So, he ended up eating cucumber and he liked to lick salsa off my fingers. This kid would rather eat spicy salsa than noodles?! We even tried sweet potato french fries tonight, thinking he'd be inquisitive about the new item and no such luck! We've resorted to buying sweet potato puffs and carrot wagon wheel puffy cracker things to at least try to get some vegetables down him?!
He definitely LOVES eating with silverware these days. I let him feed himself yogurt the past two mornings - thanks to the inventor of bibs!! It was a very messy experience, but who's perfect on their first try at any skill, right? :)
He definitely LOVES eating with silverware these days. I let him feed himself yogurt the past two mornings - thanks to the inventor of bibs!! It was a very messy experience, but who's perfect on their first try at any skill, right? :)
Dump truck driving video..
that's awesome - I loved how after he stopped the first time he looked up at you when you picked him up to kind of make sure that you were there when he started back up again. Either that was the look or it was come on mom - let me do this myself!!
1. I have always been perfect at everything I try on the first try...every time...period.
2. Pushing that truck is a transferable skill: just wait till he goes grocery shopping with you.
3. I invented bibs; in the future I go back in time to do it. You're welcome.
That's all I have for now, keep up the excellent updates!
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