Wednesday, October 15, 2008

1 Year Stats

Ethan was a big boy at his appointment today...even smiled at the doctor!

He weighed 23 lbs even (50%), Lengh 30.5 inches (75%), Head Circum. 46.5 (50%). All in all, a pretty average little man! I was a bit excited that his height jumped up to the 75%!!

He was only required to get 2 shots, but we went ahead and decided to do the flu shot this year to see how that goes. So, he had a 3rd shot and will have to go back in a month for the second phase of the flu shot. Poor little boy did NOT like that part!

A few other random things..
*We're teaching him how to "give 5". He does pretty good with doing it on command.
*I noticed today on our way to the doctor that he now tries to add the "o" at the end of the "e-i-e-i-o" for Old MacDonald.
*He knows where ears are (at least mine - he likes to point and touch)
*I started letting him use his fork at meals (he got a nice little set for his bday) - he seems to like poking things with the fork and then putting it in his mouth. But, this kid can't be fooled..if you try to put something on the fork that he wouldn't normally eat - it ISN'T getting into his mouth!!

That's all for now...

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