I actually joined the BP Running Team and ran in my first race this weekend (and it was freezing). We have to run 6 official races of any distance from 5K to a marathon. Funny how I love to run, but I've never run in an officially timed race before Saturday and I was surprisingly nervous. Never the less, I surprised myself by averaging 8:30/mi. I got 6th out of 53 women in my age range (20-29) and 125th out of 400 total in the race. I think I'm running in 2 more races before the end of April, so I'll be halfway done. One of my high school girlfriends might have me talked into running the half marathon in Chicago in September - but we'll see...
Ethan is growing up and becoming more vocal every day it seems. I actually put a pair of 18 m pajamas on him the other night and his feet were ready to bust out of them and there's definitely not as much extra material in the length of the material anymore. He seems to be gaining vocabulary words or at least tries to mimic everything we say these days!! I read somewhere online that kids up to 18 months can sometimes only have 5 or so words in their vocabulary and I think he can say at least 50 and know what object/meaning the words have, so he's not just babbling. Lately I think he's sometimes getting frustrated more often because he doesn't know the words to tell us. This weekend he had a few meltdowns and I tried several actions to try to help him to no avail!! Oh well, just a phase I guess.
Here are a few pictures from when we went to Grandpa's house last weekend for breakfast and visiting and also some pictures of him dancing with his stuffed animals and riding his bike around the house.
This is a frustrated face because Mom is no longer pushing him around the house.
Dancing with his Beaver...his most recent favorite stuffed animal (he got from the great grandparents)!
Playing with Grandma Linda's pilates "thingy"...
Success - he was able to stand it up himself!
A BP Running Team? Wow - that sounds cool!
Ethan is looking so tall. And we were definitely in that group that only had 5 words, so I can't even fathom what it would be like to have good communication at under 18 months!
Cute pics all around...
I'm not sure what crazy site you found, but be not fooled! 50 words is EXACTLY the number that is given by textbooks for 18 month-olds. After 50 the vocab just literally explodes, so Ethan's right on the perfect track. (Go taking evolution of communication). See you soon!
I've been amazed at Ethan's verbal skills that you talk about...even in watching the little videos of you talking to him he's completely in tune with what you're saying. Evan's not quite there he selectively listens and while he has a lot of words for his age Ethan's vocab is superior for sure. Evan played with my mom's pilates thing that is the same but blue lol....I wish we lived by y'all so you and I could go running and the boys could be close.
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