Ethan is now counting up to 4, but the catch is, he doesn't say 1. His queue when you say 1 is to start with 2 and goes up to 4. It's very cute to hear his intonation when he counts. He gets a little higher pitch towards the end of the number, as if to mimic how we say it clearly and slowly. Although he hasn't caught on that 1 is the first number, we're proud of his 2-4 counting. :)
We started swim class again this past Saturday. I figured it would go well since he loved it last summer. But, he was a bit scared at first and cried when we first got in the water. He warmed up a bit towards the end and I dunked him, but he mostly just clung to me. I'm sure in the coming weeks he'll be back to splashing.
Saturday we had the Rochford side over for dinner to celebrate Grandma Linda's birthday. Here are a few pics of the event. Ethan would only let me hold him for the pictures. :) He now comes up to me with his arms stretched up and says "hold you".
Grandpa pulling him around on his bike (note Sasha's leash is quite helpful)
Ethan's become more independent when going to bed these days, which is truly amazing to me considering this was the one thing that always stressed me out when he was an infant. One night he'd go to bed like an angel and the next he'd cry until we 'saved' him. But, he just LOVES his bed and all his soft stuffed animals and blankets. I basically rock him for 2 minutes and he's ready to get into bed and we hear him just babbling and screeching for about 5-10 minutes and then he's sound asleep. When we check on him before we go to bed, he's usually got 2 blankets and all 4 stuffed animals surrounding him (sometimes he's bear hugging his blanket).
Oh yes, something I'll have to eventually get a picture of is Ethan's newest fashion trend. He enjoys wearing his hospital cap when he plays in his room. I had it in his little nightstand drawer and he found it..he now likes us to put it on him and he keeps it on the whole time we play. Of course, his head has grown quite a bit since then, but he looks adorable. Speaking of things from the hospital, I've finally gotten stuff out to try to scrapbook Ethan's birth and I found his little hospital bracelet - it's so precious and small!! (Sigh...) My little boy is growing up - he'll be 18 months Saturday! (look for updated JCP pics in the coming weeks)
Just a random dinner photo. I was getting my food ready one night and I turned around and this was Ethan's face! Didn't seem to phase him with his HUGE glob of ketchup on his face!
Just another shout out to Dave, who now has less than 3 weeks until his test!
Theoretically, I think there are two possibilities:
1. Ethan doesn't know he's counting, and he's just repeating the pattern and perceives it as some kind of social thing where the first person says "one", and the appropriate response is "two, three, four".
2. Ethan DOES know what "one" means, and so he's not repeating it, because it doesn't make sense to count to a number twice. But if he knows them as counting at all, I'm fairly certain "one" is in there. (Also, I would argue that--if anything--0 is the first number).
Bella still skips 3 and almost gets to 20 now... how does she not know THREE? Nice update, thanks for it!
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