Another whirlwind tour this weekend for Ethan and I. It started on Friday when I had the day off and decided to take Ethan to run errands while Dave...yes, STUDIED (if you can imagine it). I think we went to 5 different stores, which totalled 11 times in and out of the car. He was a trooper though. A thought came to me while we were shopping at WalMart . I went from the grocery section the pet aisle, and I had to pass by the toy section. No, Ethan didn't ask for anything, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time before there is some toy that he just CAN'T live without! Heck, I ended up buying him a fancy new "Cars" theme plate and a Sesame Street place mat with colors on it and he didn't even beg for them. He also enjoyed watching the fish in the tanks over by the pet aisles.
After his nap on Friday, we had a playdate with one of my high school friend's and her daughter, Zoey ("Woey" and Ethan pronounced it) who is about 2 weeks older than Ethan. Overall, they played together well, with only minor spells of not wanting to share. :) How do you explain to 18 month old kids that they can share?? ha ha.
Putting on their bling..
After pictures, we headed to swim class, which was definitely a better event this week. He enjoyed throwing the ball in front of him and swimming on his tummy to go get it. The one part of the class that I enjoyed was when we sang 'Twinkle, Twinkle' and we have them lay their head on our shoulder while floating on their back. He just lays there so quiet and calm and floats while I hold him...guess he trusts his Mommy and just enjoys the ride.
Our final trip on Saturday after his nap was to the Hughes side where Grandma made us dinner and we visited with everyone. When Grandma showed him the picture of family, he was able to identify almost everyone until he became disinterested. What surprised me the most was that he knew Uncle Adam and Uncle Breck (although they are both named "uncle" right now). On our trip back home, I figured the little stinker would fall asleep, but he babbled the whole way home and didn't get to sleep until almost 9:30p.m.!!
Sunday was more of the same with travel. We went to the Rochford side in the morning and to the Hickman side for the afternoon. We took him for a walk after dinner and Ethan enjoyed the walk so much he didn't want to get out of the stroller. Sorry, I'm a bad mommy and didn't get any actual dressed up Easter picture, but he did look cute. Overall, I think Ethan made out real well as far as Easter goes. He got some boxes of raisins, the Pinocchio movie, bubbles, a new toy car and tractor, new socks and some small candy items. We colored eggs with him on Friday evening, but voted against doing an egg hunt this year...we figured he'd understand a bit more about finding eggs once he gets a bit older. 
1 comment:
Yeah Uncle Adam, that's what I'm talkin' 'bout! Also, can you send me the pictures you took at the apartment? Thanks!
~Uncle Adam (the Great)
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