FINALLY - Dave took his test this past weekend!! After many months of diligent studying, he was finally able to download all the information in his head onto the test form. :) It will take up to 3 months for us to get results, but Dave feels pretty confident that he did enough to pass, so we'll just keep our fingers crossed. He's very excited to get back to some normalcy with working out and getting back in touch with his friends. (Hopefully no one has taken offense to his silence for the last 6 months). Ethan and I are very proud of him and happy to get more quality time with him now. We spent all Sunday together playing at the house, outside with our new sidewalk chalk and then went to dinner in the evening. Now, Dave just has to decide whether he's going ot keep going and take the PE test this October or wait until next April and enjoy the summer months. I guess there are pros and cons to both scenarios, but we'll support whatever decision he makes.
I actually ran in my 3rd 5K on Sunday. I know, I'm crazy with 2 weeks in a row, but I'm trying to knock these out before it gets scorching hot out. I was very thankful that there was no rain during the actual race. It managed to pour down about 5 minutes before we started and I was a bit nervous, but literally no rain during the race. I beat my time by another 15 seconds and managed to again, get 1st in my age group (got 8th for females and 33rd/143 overall). Guess I can't complain too much considering I don't train for these runs..I usually just run casually during the week with some friends at work during lunch.
No pictures from this weekend really. Saturday Ethan and I were busy since Dave was gone all day. We went grocery shopping, to the bank and to swim class in the morning, and then went to visit Grandpa Rochford Saturday evening to help him celebrate getting his 6th degree black belt. Luckily, Dave was done with his test and was able to meet up with us in the evening for dinner.
Happy Birthday to Dave this coming weekend...he's looking forward to getting out and socializing with some friends! :)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
18 Month Stats
Ethan has his 18 month appt. last week Wednesday. He came away with only 2 shots this time, thankfully! He measured 33 inches tall (70%) and 25 lbs, 8 oz (50%). Overall, he was great at the appointment and only cried when the shots came. The doctor was impressed when I told her the large vocabulary he had, and also informed me that his top canine teeth were close to the gum line.
I was hoping to have his pictures up by now, but I just called JCPenney and they forgot to add the internet feature, so hopefully in a few days.
This weekend was another busy one for Ethan and I. Saturday morning I got up and ran another 5K in Aurora. I actually got 1st in my age group, 7th place for women and 27th (of 131) overall in the race. I beat my time by a minute and forty seconds, so I was pretty excited. I guess my competitive side comes out a bit. After my race, I went home and took Ethan to swim class. He is getting better every week and I love it. We do the "itsy bitsy spider" and the kids hold on to the wall and move their hands as we sing. Usually I help him move his hands but he did it all by himself this time. After swim class we ran home for a quick lunch and then Ethan and I headed to Champaign for the night. We had dinner and stayed with Dave's grandparents Saturday night and then we met my brother and family at his church on Sunday morning for service, followed by lunch. Ethan and I were back at home by 3 on Sunday to unwind before the week. Although Ethan doesn't see his great grandparents much, I was so impressed that when it was bedtime, I walked around the bedroom with him for about 5 minutes and then left and he didn't let out a peep. I think it says a lot, that he was comfortable in the new environment to not need me. We were bummed that Dave couldn't be with us, but we knew that he needed this last weekend to study before his test (this Saturday).
I can't remember if I've mentioned, but Ethan can say his name now. It sounds like "Enan", but I'm sure the "th" sound will come. Also, it really surprised me this weekend when he was playing with a bunch of coasters at Dave's grandparents. He kept taking them out and putting them back in and twice when there was just one left on the floor to put back, he said "one more". I didn't even say anything to that effect and he realized there was one more to put away?!!!
Friday evening blowing bubbles with Mom and Dad
Watching the birdies at the bird feeder with great-Grandpa
Eating some yummy grapes before bedtime.
Finishing breakfast on great-Grandma's lap (so Mommy could actually eat her breakfast)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Banana Boy
Other random pics from this past weekend...
As promised, Ethan sporting his newborn hospital cap.
It's not too big of a bite, mommy!!

Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter Weekend
Another whirlwind tour this weekend for Ethan and I. It started on Friday when I had the day off and decided to take Ethan to run errands while Dave...yes, STUDIED (if you can imagine it). I think we went to 5 different stores, which totalled 11 times in and out of the car. He was a trooper though. A thought came to me while we were shopping at WalMart . I went from the grocery section the pet aisle, and I had to pass by the toy section. No, Ethan didn't ask for anything, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time before there is some toy that he just CAN'T live without! Heck, I ended up buying him a fancy new "Cars" theme plate and a Sesame Street place mat with colors on it and he didn't even beg for them. He also enjoyed watching the fish in the tanks over by the pet aisles.
After his nap on Friday, we had a playdate with one of my high school friend's and her daughter, Zoey ("Woey" and Ethan pronounced it) who is about 2 weeks older than Ethan. Overall, they played together well, with only minor spells of not wanting to share. :) How do you explain to 18 month old kids that they can share?? ha ha.
Putting on their bling..
After pictures, we headed to swim class, which was definitely a better event this week. He enjoyed throwing the ball in front of him and swimming on his tummy to go get it. The one part of the class that I enjoyed was when we sang 'Twinkle, Twinkle' and we have them lay their head on our shoulder while floating on their back. He just lays there so quiet and calm and floats while I hold him...guess he trusts his Mommy and just enjoys the ride.
Our final trip on Saturday after his nap was to the Hughes side where Grandma made us dinner and we visited with everyone. When Grandma showed him the picture of family, he was able to identify almost everyone until he became disinterested. What surprised me the most was that he knew Uncle Adam and Uncle Breck (although they are both named "uncle" right now). On our trip back home, I figured the little stinker would fall asleep, but he babbled the whole way home and didn't get to sleep until almost 9:30p.m.!!
Sunday was more of the same with travel. We went to the Rochford side in the morning and to the Hickman side for the afternoon. We took him for a walk after dinner and Ethan enjoyed the walk so much he didn't want to get out of the stroller. Sorry, I'm a bad mommy and didn't get any actual dressed up Easter picture, but he did look cute. Overall, I think Ethan made out real well as far as Easter goes. He got some boxes of raisins, the Pinocchio movie, bubbles, a new toy car and tractor, new socks and some small candy items. We colored eggs with him on Friday evening, but voted against doing an egg hunt this year...we figured he'd understand a bit more about finding eggs once he gets a bit older. 
Monday, April 06, 2009
Counting to 4....BUT
Ethan is now counting up to 4, but the catch is, he doesn't say 1. His queue when you say 1 is to start with 2 and goes up to 4. It's very cute to hear his intonation when he counts. He gets a little higher pitch towards the end of the number, as if to mimic how we say it clearly and slowly. Although he hasn't caught on that 1 is the first number, we're proud of his 2-4 counting. :)
We started swim class again this past Saturday. I figured it would go well since he loved it last summer. But, he was a bit scared at first and cried when we first got in the water. He warmed up a bit towards the end and I dunked him, but he mostly just clung to me. I'm sure in the coming weeks he'll be back to splashing.
Saturday we had the Rochford side over for dinner to celebrate Grandma Linda's birthday. Here are a few pics of the event. Ethan would only let me hold him for the pictures. :) He now comes up to me with his arms stretched up and says "hold you".
Grandpa pulling him around on his bike (note Sasha's leash is quite helpful)
Ethan's become more independent when going to bed these days, which is truly amazing to me considering this was the one thing that always stressed me out when he was an infant. One night he'd go to bed like an angel and the next he'd cry until we 'saved' him. But, he just LOVES his bed and all his soft stuffed animals and blankets. I basically rock him for 2 minutes and he's ready to get into bed and we hear him just babbling and screeching for about 5-10 minutes and then he's sound asleep. When we check on him before we go to bed, he's usually got 2 blankets and all 4 stuffed animals surrounding him (sometimes he's bear hugging his blanket).
Oh yes, something I'll have to eventually get a picture of is Ethan's newest fashion trend. He enjoys wearing his hospital cap when he plays in his room. I had it in his little nightstand drawer and he found it..he now likes us to put it on him and he keeps it on the whole time we play. Of course, his head has grown quite a bit since then, but he looks adorable. Speaking of things from the hospital, I've finally gotten stuff out to try to scrapbook Ethan's birth and I found his little hospital bracelet - it's so precious and small!! (Sigh...) My little boy is growing up - he'll be 18 months Saturday! (look for updated JCP pics in the coming weeks)
Just a random dinner photo. I was getting my food ready one night and I turned around and this was Ethan's face! Didn't seem to phase him with his HUGE glob of ketchup on his face!
Just another shout out to Dave, who now has less than 3 weeks until his test!
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