Sunday, November 28, 2010

Halloween and other business

I realize I never put up Halloween photos of the boys, so here are my little pumpkins! Other updates to speak of...potty training is pretty much no longer in the 'training stage' I'd say. Ethan only went poop in his underwear once the very first week and since then he's gone in his potty (usually people say that's the hardest part and I think he's got it. He sometimes resists sitting on there to poop, but we are persistent in telling him we need to sit there and try). Other than that, he's not really had any major accidents to speak of and usually even tells us now when he needs to go. We're still doing pull-ups at nap/night, but that's the least of my worries right now. Ethan lately has really been testing his boundaries with defiance to see how far he can go with you. For instance, I told him he needed to stay in the kitchen with his juice box at Grandma Hickman's....he watched me the entire time and slowly walked towards the kitchen and then proceeded to put one foot on the carpet...ugh, this kid. Lots of people tell me that 'terrible 2's are nothing, compared to the 3', maybe just the point in his life? He's still a lovable boy when he wants to be, with randomly telling me, 'Mommy, I love you!' - melts my heart!!
Carter is growing like a weed! Just in the past week he's starting really grasping toys well and screeching and babbling a LOT!! He rolls over from his tummy to back on occasion and when on his back and sitting in his activity chairs he really gets his arms and legs moving, so he can have momentum to get himself partially on his side sometimes from his back to tummy position. He also giggles now.

Here are some pics of the last few weeks in no particular order from Halloween thru Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Potty Training

Well, we decided to start potty training Ethan on Saturday. After the first few hours I was sure that it was going to be a bust, when Ethan told me twice that he 'needed to go to the bathroom' AFTER he in fact already went in his pants. But, after a few accidents Saturday morning, he finished strong with earning 9 stickers for the day and a total of 3 accidents. We are still asking him every 20 or so minutes if he has to go, but I'm sure once he gets in the routine of thinking about whether he needs to go that he'll just initiate it himself and he's already proven to be doing just that. Everyone has told me that #2 is the harder to train and I figured it was only a matter of time before we'd have to deal with it. Last night before dinner Ethan insisted that his butt hurt and I needed to put some cream on it. I should've known from the skid mark in the undies of the impending doom. But, I gave him the cream and went about making dinner. Sure enough, we're sitting at dinner and I looked across at him while he told me his butt hurt and he was literally shaking - I think from his attempts to keep holding it all in, which didn't work (after 3 days of not going). So, lesson learned, when Ethan tells me he needs butt cream, sit him on the potty! Dave was the lucky winner of cleaning up the first mess as I 'conveniently' had to feed Carter (ha ha - I actually did though). Overall, I am very happy with the progress and feel like diapers are a thing of the past!! Even if we still have to do diapers/pull-ups during nap/night, I feel like a free woman!! WAY TO GO BIG E!!!

In other news, Carter officially got his first cold this weekend! It started in the wee hours of Saturday morning when he woke to eat and I could hear the raspy sound in his chest and he was sneezing a lot through the day Saturday. Luckily Dave and I were so exhausted on Saturday night that we went to bed @ the equivalent hour of 7:30 (for daylight savings) because Carter had a real rough night and his cold was in full swing by Sunday morning. I stayed home with him yesterday so he could be cozy with Mommy, although he was definitely a little crabby boy!! He's been sleeping well through the night and so hopefully this cold is on its way out!! Nothing worse than a poor little 3 1/2 month old that can't breathe!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Catch Up

Some pictures from the last no particular order

At Kuiper's Apple Orchard - the line was so long we didn't actually pick apples, but enjoyed time with our friends there

A family football pic - note I'm the only one in a GB jersey! Although, Ethan does say, 'Go Packers!'
Ethan trying out some birthday toys
Ethan trying out his new birthday scooter
Ethan happy with his new excavator that Daddy picked out
Ethan getting a ride from Grandpa Dennis
Ethan's birthday cake that Dave and I decorated
Ethan trying out the tire horse at Kuiper's

Carter with a big grin!
Carter showing off his strong head/neck/back musclesCute pic of a little man!
Cute little football hat we got as a present

Both my cute little boys!
Bathtime Carter pic

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Napping Solved?/Defiance sets in!

Well, from my last post I see I was struggling with the fact that Carter was taking an unusual amount of time to put down for naps sometimes...I am happy (knock on wood) to say that I think we've found a good solution. I know it sounds silly, but everyone talks about a good bedtime routine and well I started to go up to Carter's bedroom 5 minutes before I want to put him down and I read him a book or two - yes, we sit and read books!! Then, we rock for 5-10 minutes and i lay him down on his tummy with his pacifier and he's out! He's taken marvelous naps since Saturday. I'm not a fan of the tummy sleeping at night yet, because I usually check in on him a few times during his naps still. But, like I told Dave, even if this solution only works for a few days, it's a few days of less stress for me. As Dave says, 'when the mom is stressed, it's bad for everyone'. I'm still having issues with him not sleeping as long as I'd hope at night, but I guess one step at a time. We tried a bottle last night before bed with 1 oz. of formula mixed in to see if that would help and he slept only 4 1/2 hours, so it wasn't really that noticeable and I'm not even sure if it was the formula doing that? We're just taking it one day at a time. I can't believe that 3 weeks from now I'll be back at work though. Kind of crazy, but I'm actually looking forward to getting back into more of a routine of things and having some adult time.
On the Ethan front, well...let's just say he's defintely challenging his boundaries lately. I'm sure it's a factor of turning 3, still adjusting to having a little brother and really just seeing what his boundaries are. This past weekend he showed his true colors, by yelling at both Dave and I at different times and telling us things like "NO, DON'T DO THAT" (this was as we were carrying him to his room for a timeout) or "NO, I'M NOT GOING TO HAVE A TIMEOUT!". The time Dave went back in to talk to him to ask if he was not listening and he actually put his fingers in his ears and said he wasn't listening - my god, where does he learn this stuff?! Anyway, we're definitely on high alert for his defiant behavior to try to nip it in the butt!! Ah, the challenges of parenthood!!
We had a busy family week together, which was nice last week. Here are just a few pics of our events. Ethan started his sports class, which encompasses some basketball, soccer and t-ball, we went to the Shedd Aquarium, Morton Arboretum, Sandwich Fair and I took the boys into my work to show them off and we rode the train and hit Millenium Park.
Outside the Shedd Aquarium after lunch - nice background!
In front of the 'Big Bean' @ Millenium Park
Ethan @ Basketball
Ethan in a BIG tractor tire @ the Fair
Ethan climbing in a tree @ the Morton Arboretum
Ethan giving Mom a cheesy grin!
Ethan & I @ the Fair with some high school friends
Ethan trying out his new headphones to prepare for the tractor pulls
Ethan and Carter - Carter dressed in his Bears attire for the game!
Carter giving a big grin!
I am so strong I can hold my head up, Mom!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Sometimes I'm just so overwhelmed!!

In the last week I've really grown to appreciate parents who have multiples and kids that are closer than Ethan and Carter!! I just sometimes feel like the only thing I do is rock Carter to sleep and I'm so glad that Ethan is so self-sufficient that he'll play so nicely on his own. Sometimes when I know it's time for Carter to take a nap, I'll put a movie on for him, as entertainment, but he's also good at just playing downstairs while I'm up rocking Carter. Or, sometimes he'll even come up and visit me in the room. I told Dave it's amazing how good he is at being quiet for me in Carter's room. He will slowly open the door and come in with his finger over his mouth (in the shush motion) because he knows he has to be quiet. Then, he usually whispers so quietly I can sometimes barely hear what he's actually saying. He usually asks if he can turn Carter's nightlight on for him (even if it's broad daylight), what a caring brother!! Anyway, we've had a few rough days this past week with Carter not wanting to sleep any other way than to be rocked constantly. I remember dreading the 'cry it out' phase with Ethan and I can't say that I want the little man to suffer, but my sanity is sometimes being tested with the little sleep I'm getting and having to sit what seems like ALL DAY in a rocking chair or pacing the floor of Carter's room. As I write this, today has already proven to be a better day than yesterday, so I have some hope...I guess there are always those days...But, on to what you really want to I don't have much commentary, as most days/weeks go by in a blur for me. We have a few plans in the coming month to get out and do fun things, so I should have more stories and pictures that are a bit more exciting..

We found tickets to a local circus that came to town...Carter slept through half of it (as loud as it was) and Ethan loved it!

A pony ride before the circus...there was a storm rolling in, so we only got three times around..but Ethan enjoyed

Trying out some tummy time..he tolerates this amazingly well from what I remember, Ethan hated it!

I had some high school friends over last week with all our new additions this year, plus one in the oven! Carter is second youngest (from left to right is Carter, Ethan, Caleb, Camryn, Miles and Layla)

A half-roll..I think he was showing off for Grandma Hickman who came to visit

A visit to Grandpa Rochford's house lead to a trip to the playground and excavating some sand!

As previously stated, a nap is always better when joined by Mommy or Daddy! Although, maybe Dave was looking for an excuse to catch some Z's also??

I was trying to catch a little smile, which has become more frequent these days - ah, finally some pay off from this little boy giving me a hard time..ha ha. Didn't quite catch a smile, but he's a cute little chunky monkey I think!
chillin' with Daddy on the patio.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

34 months going on 16 years..

I know I struggle to find time to update the blog these days, sorry for that...
I thought the title of this post was appropriate as Ethan has recently become interested in driving techniques.

*He now tells us what color the light is while we're driving. We had to explain the turning arrow to him the other day because he was upset with Dave for 'going thru a red light' (although we had the green arrow)

*He wanted me to dance in the car the other day, so I put my hands up and shook my body and he told me I have to put my hands on the steering wheel otherwise, I would crash into a tree (Believe this was from the 'Sheep in a Jeep' book that Grandma Hickman brought us, when the sheep forgot to steer)...I thought this was quite a good observation.

*When we drive into a driveway he asks if we're driving over the sidewalk.
Needless to say, this kid is basically ready for her learner's permit!! :-)

Some other random things..
*When Carter cries, Ethan asks us if we're going to 'save' him.
*I asked Ethan to get me something the other day and he responds.."Did I do you a favor?"
*We were driving down the road the other day and Ethan spotted an excavator on the side of the road and he then says, "Carter, did you see the excavator?" Awe, trying to show his little brother the big tractors! (tear)
*He asked Carter yesterday if he loved him. He's been asking me this also and then telling me I'm his BEEEST friend after...I love the sweet side!
As far as Carter goes, he's a pretty sweet little baby honestly...only really cries during diaper changes, his bath and when he's hungry, can't really blame the little fellow. We went today for a follow up with the pediatrician after his surgery and they went ahead and did his 1 month appt since it was scheduled for next Monday. He's basically where Ethan was, 10% for head circumference and 25-50% in weight/height. He weighs in a big 8 lbs, 9 oz and is 21 inches long now (almost 2 inches longer than his appt out of the hospital @ 9 days!!). We do a lot of tummy time and he actually tolerates it pretty well. Today at the doctor he was even pushing up on his arms - a half push-up!! :) I'm looking forward to the coming weeks when he has control over his smile reflex. We see his smiles now, randomly, but I am anxious for him to control and really give us a meaningful smile. The best smiles are when he's sleeping and you get those big gummy grins!
Here are some pictures of the past week or two...