1. Letting Ethan fall asleep without being rocked - he was a champ!
2. Starting cereal!!
We started Friday night with letting Ethan fall asleep by himself in his crib. I had spoken with many friends who are parents on how they started this and we formed our own gameplan. We did our usual night routine with a bath and book. Then, we put Ethan in his swaddle blanket in bed with his pacifier and told him he was going to go to bed on his own and left the room. Our plan was to slowly increase the time we'd let him cry by 5 minute increments. He didn't cry right away...but then he started and we hit the 5 minute mark - I went up to give him back his pacifier and he was fine for about 10 minutes and then started crying again. I went up at the 10 minute mark of crying and calmed him down. At the 15 minute mark, Dave went up and that was it! He was out for the night!! He even slept 11 hours!! We've done the same for every nap since then and he's done REALLY well! We only had one rough nap Saturday afternoon, but I think it was because he was hungry! So, he's on his own for falling asleep now. What a BIG boy!
And finally, the most exciting part of the weekend for me at least was trying cereal with Ethan. We video-taped the first day and he had quite a few amusing expressions. So, here are a few pics from day #2 of cereal, which was 100% better! He seemed to get excited when he saw the spoon coming towards him. He still only eats about 50% of what's in the spoon - thank god for bibs!! But, I know he has to get used to the spoon and the new textures. Wow, to think he'll be on veggies and fruits etc. in another month or so. We're starting a bit early since we couldn't get in for his 4 month appointment until the 20th of this month!!
Congratulations on all the accomplishments! It really is harder on the parents to let the babies cry. Sounds like he did really well with putting himself to sleep. It is so wonderful to lay them down in the crib and walk out of the room! The pictures of him are adorable. Hope to get together again soon.
If that doesnt work, I think swapping out the bottle with our friend Jose or Jack will put ethan right to sleep. I know that always works for dave!
Hi Jamie!! How are you? I found your blog on Beth's! Your little boy is adorable!! I have a little girl who is 10months old now! Time goes by so fast! I hope things are going well!! If you ever get a chance drop me an e-mail! I would love to be able to talk to you!!
ahem, I believe it is spelled, "God." That said, excellent job champ! Even though Mom and Dad are slowly abandoning you, you're strong! (totally kidding, but that's me ^_^ )
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