Every time I put Ethan on his tummy, I am more amazed at how strong the little guy is!! He can completely straighten his arms and hold himself up - very impressive! I actually put him on his tummy today and he rolled over to his back right away! He's also making strides to roll from his back to his tummy. I try to put toys on his side and a bit above his eye level and he pushes off with his feet to get partially on his side to see the toys. I'm sure he'll get there soon!
First I get into position...

Half-way up..

Full extension

And a BIG grin to finish up - ahh...what a workout! Soon I'll join Daddy in the gym!
He totally is looking like Dave!
Especially the goofy grin at the end, right? :P Just messing with you Dave. Keep up the good work!
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