This past Thursday was Ethan's last day at daycare, he will be starting at an in-home daycare next week, which Dave and I are pretty happy about. One of our biggest challenges before we had Ethan was narrowing down a good daycare center to take care of our little one. Although we thought we made the right choice at the time, it just wasn't all that it was cracked up to be. In Ethan's 5 weeks at daycare, he definitely had a variety of experiences (realize although it was 5 calendar weeks, that's only a total of 15 days because he was only there 3 times a week)...
- Diaper rash on his first day
- He was sent home with an "ouch report" - he got scratched on the head..my poor little boy!
- He could last all day with basically ONLY 1.5 hours of sleep! Only to get home with Mommy and Daddy and then sleep the whole night! Yes, a god send for some parents, but not when I haven't seen my little boy all day, I want an awake little man!
- I was called one day stating that he had drank ALL 3 bottles before 1pm - ugh, don't these people know that you don't just shove a bottle in the kid's mouth every time he's crying - he just might be tired!!
- He was fed 3 times the amount of rice cereal I asked them to feed him - um, don't they read my instructions on the paper I fill out each morning?!!!
So, that's me ranting about his daycare, you can see just some of the overall reasons we just really weren't comfortable with keeping him there. Anyway, he'll now be taken care of by a woman with a 22 month old daughter and two other little girls that will be starting at the beginning of March (he'll be the only little stud there...he he). Of course, Grandma Hickman and Grandpa Rochford still have their days with Ethan, which is nice for him not to have to be carted out in the cold every morning!
Other random things around here....Ethan giggles when Sasha gets into a crazy mood and runs in circles, we tried oatmeal cereal today instead of the rice we'd been using (although, we might halt cereal for a day or two after the constipation we had today...he was NOT a happy camper), He's getting very good at sitting up - it will still be a while for him to do it on his own, but I'm impressed with his balance, he's rolled over from his tummy to back a handful of times - just a matter of time before he's rolling all over the place!! And finally, we have his 4 month appointment on Wednesday of this week. Daddy gets to take him this time and be the supportive parent while he gets more shots.
1. The videos were very cute, thanks!
2. It's still "God" and not "god" :P
Also, this picture is reminiscent of HS graduation pictures. No comment on that.
too cute - it's amazing how they change - sometimes in a matter of days!! looking forward to getting together tomorrow!!
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