Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentine's Weekend

This weekend we were all a bit under the weather, so we weren't too active. I had a barking cough, Dave had sinus issues and Ethan is pretty much now over what he had last weekend.
Ethan is very into giving kisses these days and even trys to pucker his lips now instead of coming at you with his big, wet open mouth! :) He also now knows where his butt and eyebrows are (very important anatomy parts..ha ha).
Ethan giving mommy nice smooches.

Saturday I took Ethan over to visit Grandma and Grandpa Hickman while Daddy stayed home and studied.

Working on a puzzle (he does pretty good at finding where the pieces go)
He now says "ugh, go?" when we say, "where did it go?". And, he tilts his little wrist like we do, to say's absolutely adorable!
He got a new remote control car. He's a bit afraid of the car when it comes at him and I don't think he realizes that pushing the button on the remote actually is what is making the car move, but he looks awful cute holding the controls!

Lastly on Saturday, Grandma had found a real good deal on a big frog tent. Ethan wasn't so thrilled with going in by himself, but he was very thankful that the Grandparents took the time to patiently put the thing up, all for only about 10 minutes of play. I think cousin Rowan and Ethan need to spend the night at Grandma and Grandpa's and have some fun during a sleep over. ha ha

Not so sure I should go in there, Grandma

I guess if Grandma is in there, it's okay
Here's a picture of Ethan showing off his 'kick'

Shake your Booty..

Ethan's been shakin' his groove thang a lot lately. Usually he'll start doing it and the minute I sprint to get the camera, he isn't as "into" it. But, here are a few weekend clips from him shakin' it!

Watch out ladies in this video...Ethan can help but show off his budda belly! :)

Lastly, a little video of Ethan showing off his cell phone skills. My whole intention was to get him in a video showing how excited he was to see birds outside! Everytime we see birds now, he gets very excited and points and says 'birdie' and then 'sky' (sounds kind of like guy). Whenever he sees birds or hears an airplane, he says sky, because we talk about how they fly in the sky. Smart little cookie.

Monday, February 09, 2009


First off, no pics from this weekend. Ethan came down with another horrible cold with 102 temps, so we spent most of the weekend just hanging out and keeping Ethan pumped full of tylenol/motrin. Ugh, i hate these colds!! Unfortunately we had some friends and their 2 young kids over Saturday night for a playdate/dinner and Ethan was just not even interested in playing with the kids, which bummed me out!

Lots of people talk about how kids thrive on routine and as much as I've read, it totally hit home last night. Dave and I were doing Ethan's night time routine and he surprised me with how much he remembers what we do! Of course, he was still under the weather, but when we were playing in his room after his bath I told him it was time to pick up to go to bed. He proceeded to repeat 'pick up' and he picked every single one of his books up and put it on the shelf! While he did that, I went to his crib and got his blanket out and put it on my shoulder because he likes to lay on it while we rock. As I went to get his blanket, he went over to his cd player and hit the play button, pulled down on his shade one last time and then came right up to me with his hands up in the air to pick him up! Now, I asked Dave if he ever showed Ethan where the play button was and he hasn't and neither have I! I'm sure he's caught on through pushing enough buttons, but he honestly got it on the first try!! I don't know, the whole exercise just amazed me, personally! :) After all this, we then give Daddy a kiss so he can go study and Ethan helps shut his bedroom door and shut off the light and lays right down on my shoulder! Such a good little boy!

Other things Ethan is doing these days...
*Grandpa is of course starting his karate lessons off right away and Ethan knows 'kick' (sounds kind of like 'geek') but he picks up his knee and says it at the same time! He's even done this while laying down on the changing table - he'll just blurt out 'kick' and raise his leg. We'll just have to make sure he doesn't use his kicks to hurt anyone. :)
*He likes to help put stuff away in the fridge these days. If he's done drinking we hand him his cup and lift him up to put it back in the fridge. Today he actually helped me put food away too. I put his leftover grilled cheese in a baggie and gave it to him and had him help me put it away. Such a little helper!

That's all for now...hopefully we'll have some pictures from Valentine's weekend with a healthier little boy!

Monday, February 02, 2009

Super Bowl Weekend

This weekend was quite the 'party' weekend for Ethan. Saturday morning I decided to take him up to visit with my Mom (while Dave stayed home and studied!!!). We enjoyed the company of my Mom and brother for a few hours. We even had pancakes and bacon for lunch -mmm! Ethan actually tried bacon, which was a definite surprise to me. He seemed to like it enough to eat a half of a piece by himself. Here's Ethan playing with Grandma - at one point he came over voluntarily and gave her a hug, which I thought was adorable!!

Note the cell phone in the picture - Ethan doesn't travel without it! :-)

BIG hug for Grandma!

I don't have any pictures, but Sunday we went to a friend's house for a Super Bowl party. Ethan was Mr. Shy at first with all the new faces, but there were also two younger girls there (3 and 5) and he just wanted to follow them around and laughed with them, it was absolutely adorable to see him just want to play with the kids! At one point the two girls put together pillows and blankets to roll around on and he watched them and smiled and then copied what they were doing and was so proud of himself!! I think Ethan needs a sibling!! :-)

A few cute things that Ethan has been doing lately:

*He loves to play with the remotes and knows exactly what they do. Even though he doesn't know how to turn on the tv, he takes them in his hand in the correct position and walks right up to the tv pointing the remote at the tv - cracks me up!

*Tonight Dave came home and gave Ethan a kiss and then me a kiss. Ethan immediately leaned towards me and wanted to also give me a kiss. Just to test it out, I had Dave give me another kiss and Ethan proceeded to give me a kiss and then gave one to Daddy also - such a sweetie!!

*He's almost tall enough to open the door knobs now. He likes to shut the doors (and says "bye-bye") and then he gets up on his tippy toes and can pull down on the lever, but doesn't have enough 'umph' yet to completely open it by himself.

*Last Thursday when Grandpa watched him, he was playing in his crib playing peek-a-boo and he got real quiet and managed to put himself to sleep in the middle of playing with Grandpa! Here are a few pics of his second nap that day - he was still sleeping when i got home from work. Who can resist a butt up in the air photo opportunity!

Here's Ethan trying on Daddy's fleece sweatshirt!