Sunday, February 28, 2010

18 Weeks

This is a picture from last week Thursday @ 18 weeks. My next appt. is Monday, March 8th and our ultrasound is on St. Patty's day (but we're not finding out the sex). :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Tonight the three of us were sitting in the Living Room where our wedding quilt hangs. I was sitting on the couch that is right under the quilt. Ethan looked at it and out of the blue said, "Mama is Cinderella"! If that's not the sweetest thing he's ever said to me!! Honestly, I didn't even know he knew who Cinderella was?? Possibly from daycare with the girls always dressing up? But, we've never seen the movie at our house!! My sweet little boy! :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

16 Weeks

This past Thursday marks 16 weeks for Baby #2. I went to the doctor last Monday and I'm measuring right where I should be. I gained 4 lbs (total of 7 so far) and the baby's heartbeat was 148bpm this time. I go back for my 20 week check-up and then our 20-week ultrasound is scheduled for March 17th. We're not finding out the sex this time either, but it will be fun to get another glimpse at the little one!!

Ethan's still doing well in his big boy bed. I think we'll probably keep him in there until Dave's done with his test in April. Once he's done, we can get his new room all painted and decorated with trucks and tractors for him. Hopefully the fun theme will make the new room more fun.

Other Ethan updates:

*His favorite game right now is to run/chase. I'm a bit bummed, because I'm not as fun of a playmate with that, considering my growing belly. But, we do have some fun at night where I hold him and we run away from Dave chasing us. We just have to take breaks in between.

*Today he was playing with all his animals in his room and moving them in bed, then off the bed and saying, "I'm big helper". I guess us praising him for helping is going to his head? :-)

*Something funny he also does lately is play with this car. It has several buttons, some that say things or make the horn honk, make it go forward etc. There is one button, shaped like a musical note that plays music. When he hits it, he picks up the car and walks around rocking left to right, to dance (as if it's a boom box or something) - HILARIOUS!!

That's about all for now...

Monday, February 08, 2010


Wasn't it just yesterday that Dave was putting together the crib for our "Baby Hickman" to sleep in?? Here we are, 2+ years later (ALREADY), and we're converting this crib into a big boy bed for Ethan William Hickman!!! My baby isn't a baby anymore!

This past Friday we decided to take the plunge and convert Ethan's crib into the daybed ('big boy bed' as it's called by Ethan). I wanted to do it at the beginning of the weekend, so if we needed to go back for any reason, we weren't trying to coordinate during the work week. Ethan liked "helping" (which means, jumping all over his mattress). I honestly can't believe what a smooth transition it was though. He uses his little step-stool to jump up in bed and is just oh so proud of himself. He even stays in there once he wakes up. I've thought about telling him the little secret that he can get out of bed once he wakes up, but I think we'll keep that a secret for now.

So many questions

This was a conversation with Ethan this past weekend after I got out of the shower.

Ethan: Are you brushing your teeth, Mama?
Me: (mumbling while brushing) Yes
Ethan: are you using toothpaste?
Me: yes
Ethan: are you using my toothpaste?
Me: no, I'm using Mama's toothpaste
Ethan: are you spitting Mama?
Me: Yes, we need to spit the toothpaste out because it's yucky to swallow
Ethan: are you putting lotion on your legs mama?
Me: Yes
Ethan: are you putting lotion on your back?
Me: Yes
Ethan: are you putting lotion on your belly?
Me: Yes, putting lotion on the baby belly
Ethan: Oh...

So, there you after shower routine!

Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Conversation with Ethan

Ethan: Should we watch Tractor Movie, Mama?
Me: No, Ethan, we've already watched enough tv for today, maybe tomorrow
Ethan: Should we watch Tractor Movie?
Me: Ethan, what did Mama say, not today. We'll talk about it tomorrow
Ethan: Are you sure??? (sweet little voice)
Me: (chuckle, as I've never heard this question before) Yes, I'm sure
Ethan: This one's my favorite (another one I've never heard before)

Yes, this boy DOES love his tractor movies!! I guess there could be other 'trash' that he liked to sit in front of every day, but I still don't want him in front of tv for hours a day. Never the less, a funny little conversation. I've heard him describe a few things since this conversation this past weekend as "his favorite".

He has talked a lot about Dave's surgery. It's the cutest little thing when he says, 'Did daddy have surgeryyyy' (getting high pitched at the end of the word surgery). For those of you that don't know...Dave had Lasik done last week.

We're talking about converting his crib into a daybed to start the transition into a big boy bed. I want him to have time to warm up to the idea of a bed he can get in and out of by himself and then move him into a new bedroom before Baby this July. I don't want to wait until last minute and have him feel like he's just being shoved off for the new arrival. I already have my eye on some construction/tractor sheets and fun decorations to make his new room feel like he'll be king of his new bedroom!! He (hopefully) won't want to sleep in the nursery anymore once I get all the goodies to decorate. All in good time..but, hopefully sometime in Feb we might try out the daybed layout.

Nothing else really new here, Dave studies and I am busy acting as an incubator for #2. :) My 4 month appt is this next Monday - can't wait to hear the little heartbeat again!!

Here are a few pics from visiting the Rochford side last weekend.