Wednesday, November 05, 2008

7th Tooth

I forgot to mention that Ethan had his 7th tooth pop thru his gums this past Sunday! It's the other upper incisor (right side). So, he's officially got 7 teeth thru the we'll just wait for the 8th one on the bottom left to pop thru so he's "even". :)

Also, he tried tomatoes tonight!! I was eating tacos while he had his own dinner of pizza, broccoli, peaches and applesauce and he kept pointing behind me where the tomatoes were sitting. I figured he'd definitely not like them, but he ate 2 small tomatoes on his own (not the inside seeds of course, but the entire outsides!!) Funny how I have to somewhat coax him to eat things like pizza and chicken fingers and he's perfectly happy eating things by choice like pickles and tomatoes!? Had a suggestion from a few people to try avocados, so that will be a purchase this weekend at the grocery store!

1 comment:

Adam said...

Hey, if the kid likes healthy food and shuns the greasy death stuff we all eat, I say let him eat what he likes and nothing but!
