Saturday, January 03, 2009

Ethan Funnies...

So, a few things that I've wanted to post about Ethan:

*When he eats grapes (they're cut in half) with a fork, he will first put them flat side down and puts his fork thru the skin part. I just like watching him flip them first and then try to fork them to eat.

*As previously mentioned, he is very much a Mommy's boy these days and is now concerned when Dave gives me hugs or comes by me sometimes. If he sees Dave by me, he will stop what he's doing and come over and sometimes push Dave away. Obviously I don't want Dave's feelings hurt, but it cracks me up that he seems to not want anyone but him to have my attention!

*He likes the book 5 Silly monkeys where it says they're jumping on the bed, etc. When you say, "Mama called the doctor and the doctor said...." he'll repeat "Mo Mor Mama" or something like that for the part that comes next..."No More Monkeys jumping on the bed". That's his version of what comes next...but he knows the queue of when to say it!!

*The book Blue Hat, Green Hat by Sandra Boynton, every time we say the 'oops' part, he cracks up and screeches!

*He's found a fascination of playing in his crib! He goes for 20 minutes or more at a time sometimes and just flops around grabbing at his stuffed animals and being silly.

I'm sure there are more little tidbits that I just can't think of, while I'm on the spot writing this entry...I'll post more later if I think of them.

Hope everyone had a GREAT New Year's!!

1 comment:

The Learings said...

Its so great watching them figure things out Evan picks things up and puts them on the fork lol...I wish he would get back into books...he used to love them but now he wont sit still...that's great that Ethan's figured out when to say no more monkey's...he'll be an early reader it sounds like