Sunday, February 15, 2009

Shake your Booty..

Ethan's been shakin' his groove thang a lot lately. Usually he'll start doing it and the minute I sprint to get the camera, he isn't as "into" it. But, here are a few weekend clips from him shakin' it!

Watch out ladies in this video...Ethan can help but show off his budda belly! :)

Lastly, a little video of Ethan showing off his cell phone skills. My whole intention was to get him in a video showing how excited he was to see birds outside! Everytime we see birds now, he gets very excited and points and says 'birdie' and then 'sky' (sounds kind of like guy). Whenever he sees birds or hears an airplane, he says sky, because we talk about how they fly in the sky. Smart little cookie.


Adam said...

Clearly you should combine his two passions in the only logical way possible: The Chicken Dance!


Anonymous said...

I think he is going to have his mommy's dancing skills!!!