Monday, June 15, 2009

Did you miss updates??

Well, let me tell you that you'd think we would've learned when our first computer crashed, but...we didn't. Our second computer, which is the one I used to do all my picture uploads etc. to decided to die on Friday evening. So, we've now possibly lost more pictures!! Luckily I have the last few months still on the camera. But, until we get the necessary programs on the laptop or something miraculous happens with the other computer, you might not have pics for a little bit. Such a bummer, because I have pics of our last swim class and other odds and ends to share.

For now, my updates:
*Ethan is now counting up to 10 on his own. Lately, he's been starting with 3, but he gets all the way to 10 without any help. This is thanks to Lauren for working with him...we were counting up to 4, but he whipped out all the rest the other day for me and I stood there shocked!
*We're also working on ABCs with him...usually after he counts, he says, "I want ABC" and then we sing the ABCs...he knows a handful of letters when I pause to let him say them.
*Lately he likes to help with household chores. Putting clothes from the washing machine to the dryer, pushing the on/off button on the vacuum. Soon enough I'll give him his own chores. :)
*He now calls our neighbor "Tractor man", he has a riding mower and has to watch him whenever he's out mowing. We took a walk in the wagon last night and he kept saying, "I want tractor man".
*He now likes to have a glass of water at bedtime. The other night I heard him pounding on his crib and saying, "I want water", we now try to remember to just put a sippy cup of water on his bed. Good little boy that he is, will drink it and put it back on the ledge. When we come in at night, we always make sure he's not sleeping on it or anything. But, he always puts it back!

All for now, thought I'd at least give a little tidbit for an update. Pictures to (hopefully) come soon...


Adam said... can help you with the lost pictures.

As for the rest: Go genius nephew go!


nevkare said...

what a bummer! he's such a cutie! hope you're having a great summer.